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《灵界经历》 第687节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 687

687. Moreover, they even believe that they will also see a fire that will warm their face. I was shown a fire, indeed a warming one, as has happened before, a hundred times. For it has been and is a common occurrence for me to catch sight of fires, and indeed of various kinds, as well as flames. These [I have been seeing] over a long period - but now for the first time, a fire that warmed my face, such as they want for themselves. But I was told that their flame, which they highly prize, is of a spotted light blue color. A flame like this, most cheerful, was once shown to me. 1748, 9 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 687

687. Moreover, they also suppose that they will see a fire which will warm their face, which fire was shown me. It also gave a warmth, as on a hundred former occasions, for it has been and is familiar for me to see fires, and indeed of various kinds, also flames, as it were for a considerable time. But now, for the first time, I saw a fire that warmed my face, such as that which these spirits desire for themselves. It was told me that their flame is of a color interspersed with sky-blue, which color they very greatly esteem. Such a flame, exceedingly delightful, was once shown me. 1748, Feb. 9.

Experientiae Spirituales 687 (original Latin 1748-1764)

687. Praeterea etiam putant ignem etiam visuros, qui calefaceret faciem eorum, ignis mihi ostensus est, etiam calefaciens, sicut centies prius, nam familiare mihi fuit estque ignes conspicere, et quidem varios, tum flammas, sicut diu, sed nunc primum ignem, qui calefaceret faciem meam, qualem sibi cupiunt, sed dictum mihi est, quod flamma eorum sit coloris interspersi coerulei, quam magnopere aestimant, talis flamma mihi semel perquam laeta, est ostensa. 1748, 9 Febr.

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