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《灵界经历》 第710节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 710

710. For example, some [longed] to be clothed in most beautiful white and clean robes, such as young men and boys very much enjoy wearing. Their joy reached me, so that I could feel their gladness; for when dressed in this way, besides being in most beautiful white garments, they also know that they are angels.

710. 1/2. Some are delighted most deeply by an abundance of lovely things, such as those of pleasure gardens immeasurably surpassing every human conception. For there is nothing that is not springing up, blossoming, bearing fruit, so that all things are laughing, thereby revealing a very inward heavenly gladness in each and every leaf, issuing from their innermost parts. For I believe that such things spring from the very inward heaven, and that therefore the symbolic portrayals of them are as if alive. From this there is gladness in every detail.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 710

710. Some, for instance, were clothed in most beautiful white and shining robes, in which youths and children especially delight. Their joy reached to me, so that I perceived their gladness, for thus they know they are angels, besides being in most beautiful shining-white raiment.

710 1/2. Some were delighted even to the inmost by the manifold pleasures such as those of paradise which indefinitely surpass all human conception; for there is nothing that is not in its spring-time, in its flower, and in its fruit, with the result that all things are so smiling that it is evident thence that in each leaf there is a more interior heavenly gladness from inmost. For I aver that such things sprout forth out of the more interior heaven, and thus their representations are as if living. Hence the gladness in each single thing.

Experientiae Spirituales 710 (original Latin 1748-1764)

710. sicut quidam quod alba pulcherrima ac nitidissima stola induti sint, qua maxime adolescentes ac pueri laetantur, gaudium eorum ad me pervenit, sic ut perciperem eorum laetitiam, nam sic sciunt se angelos esse, praeter pulcherrimo candido amictu.

710a. Quidam delectantur usque ad intima, per multiplices amaenitates, sicut paradisiacas, quae tales sunt ut omnem humanum conceptum indefinities superent, nam nihil non in vere, in flore, in fructu, ut omnia ita rideant, ut inde pateat, quod ex intimis in quolibet folio laetitia intimior coelestis sit, nam autumo, quod talia ex intimiori coelo propullulent, et sic quasi vivant repraesentationes eorum, inde laetitia in singulis.

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