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《灵界经历》 第734节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 734

734. Likewise, when we do not reflect on the things in our own mind, or our motivation - how we are thinking, what we are thinking, what we are doing, what is motivating our actions - without reflection we know nothing, except that we are, and nothing else, not what we are.

On the other hand, if we reflect upon ourself from [the viewpoint of] others, or allow others to reflect upon us, and to say what we are like, then for the first time we are able to know ourself. Otherwise we can never learn, but remain in our own illusions, and from them, reflect upon others. So one thinks truths are falsities, because one is judging from one's illusions. For such as the starting-point is, such also is everything that follows.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 734

734. It is similar when man does not reflect upon those things that are in his mind or animus - how he thinks, what he thinks, what he does, whence he does it. Without reflection he knows nothing except that he is, and nothing else; thus he does not know of what quality he is. If, however, he reflects upon himself from others, or if he suffers others to reflect upon him and to say of what quality he is, he can then first recognize that he is such. Otherwise he can never know it, but remains in his phantasies and from them he reflects upon others. Thus he supposes truths to be falsities because he judges from his own phantasies, and such as is the principle from which we judge, such also is everything thence derived.

Experientiae Spirituales 734 (original Latin 1748-1764)

734. Similiter dum homo non reflectit super ea quae in sua mente sunt, seu animo, quomodo cogitat, quid cogitat, quam agit, unde agit, absque reflexione nihil scit, nisi quod sit, nec quicquam aliud, sic non qualis sit, at vero si reflectit in se ab aliis, aut si patitur alios reflectere super eum 1

, et dicere qualis est, tunc primum potest cognoscere quod talis sit, alioquin nunquam id potest scire, sed permanet in suis phantasiis 2

, et ab iis reflectit super alios, sic veritates putat falsitates, quia a suis phantasiis judicat: sicut 3

principium ex quo, tale quoque est omne, quod inde.


1. The Manuscript has eos; in J.F.I. Tafel's edition: "eos legerim eum"

2. The Manuscript has phantasis

3. hoc est quale

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