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《灵界经历》 第733节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 733

733. About reflection

I was just conversing with spirits and angels about reflection, to which I do not know whether people have given enough attention; and it was said that if they give it some thought, they will discover more secrets in the doctrine of reflection than in any other.

What reflection achieves can be quite clear to everyone from the fact that we perceive no sensation of the body or its parts, and are unaware of having a sensation, unless we reflect upon that part of our body. Then we perceive heat, cold, pressure - we even feel what that part is suffering. If we reflect on our breathing, then we feel and know that we are breathing, and in this way a voluntary factor joins in; besides innumerable other instances.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 733


I have now been in conversation with spirits and angels concerning reflection, to which I do not know whether men have paid sufficient attention. If they do attend to this subject they will find that there are more arcana in the doctrine of reflection than in any other whatsoever. What reflection effects can be sufficiently evident to anyone, in that he perceives no sensation of the body or of its parts, neither does he know that he has sensation, unless he reflects upon that part of his body; he then perceives heat, cold, pressure, indeed he feels that which he first endures. If he reflects upon his respiration, he then feels and recognizes that he respires; thus also the voluntary adjoins itself, besides innumerable other instances.

Experientiae Spirituales 733 (original Latin 1748-1764)

733. De Reflexione

Cum spiritibus et angelis nunc fui in sermone de reflexione, ad quam non scio, an homines attenderint satis, sique attendunt, quod inventuri sint plura in reflexionis doctrina arcana, quam in alia quacunque; quid reflexio praestat, constare satis potest unicuique, quod nullum corporis, seu partium ejus sensum percipiat, nec sciat, quod sensum habeat, nisi reflectat ad eam corporis sui partem tunc percipit calorem, frigus, pressionem, imo sentit id quod patitur prius 1

; si reflectit ad respirationem, tunc sentit et cognoscit quod respiret, sic etiam voluntarium se adjungit, praeter innumera alia.


1. incertum in the Manuscript

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