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《灵界经历》 第742节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 742

742. About the inhabitants of Jupiter

The presence of the inhabitants of Jupiter was recognizable to me not only from the influence of their feelings, but also because they made my face appear smiling and cheerful, something they did constantly. For so they dispose the faces of the inhabitants of their planet, so that from heartfelt pleasure, they are almost laughing, or radiating joy. That it was joy of heart, I was able to learn also from the fact that they shared their calmness with me. It was so pleasant that I felt it fill my chest and my heart. Moreover, they do not let themselves be swayed by the passions of others, but remain in their own pleasant calm. Thus they are free of concerns such as the spirits of our earth have, who are stirred up by all kinds of emotions, and are continually in a state of restlessness. From this it can be inferred quite surely that the life of the inhabitants of the planet Jupiter is very far more pleasant than the life of the inhabitants of our earth; for it is passions which render a person restless.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 742


I could recognize the presence of [the spirits of the] inhabitants of Jupiter not only from the influx of their affections, but also from the fact that they disposed my face to be, as it were, laughing and cheerful, and this continually; for in such a way they dispose the faces of the inhabitants of their earth, so that they laugh as if from gladness of heart and show forth joy. That this was joy of heart I could also know from this, that their tranquillity was communicated to me, which was so delightful that it sensibly filled my chest and heart. Moreover, they do not suffer themselves to be moved by the cupidities of others, but remain in their delightful tranquillity. Thus they are without cares, unlike the spirits of our earth, who are agitated by every commotion of the "animus", and are in continual restlessness. Hence it can be concluded with ample certainty, that the life of the inhabitants of the planet Jupiter is many degrees more delightful than the life of the inhabitants of our earth; for cupidities are what render man restless.

Experientiae Spirituales 742 (original Latin 1748-1764)

742. De incolis Jovis

Praesentiam incolarum Jovis non solum cognoscere potui, ex eorum affectionum influxu, sed etiam inde, quod faciem meam disponerent quasi ridentem et hilarem, ac id perenniter, nam ita disponunt facies incolarum eorum telluris, sic ut ex amaenitate cordis quasi rideant, aut gaudium praeferant; quod gaudium cordis esset, inde quoque scire potui, quod communicabatur mecum eorum tranquillitas 1

, quae tam jucunda erat, ut impleret sensibiliter thoracem, et cor. Praeterea nec moveri se patiuntur a cupiditatibus aliorum, sed in jucunda sua tranquillitate manent, sic absque sollicitis, ut spiritus nostrae telluris, qui a nullis non motibus animi agitantur, et continue in irrequie; inde concludi satis certo potest, quod vita incolarum telluris Jovis, sit multis parasangis jucundior vita incolarum 2

nostrae telluris, nam cupiditates sunt, quae hominem irrequietum reddunt.


1. The Manuscript has transquillitas

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has incarum

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