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《灵界经历》 第750节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 750

750. There is a boundary point beyond which they are not allowed to pass. From it, a line extends away in both directions toward two cities, so that a triangle is formed when lines are drawn from the boundary point to both cities, and from one city to the other. One city, a city of the evil, is not far from Gehenna but more to the left, where the dragon appeared several times when he wanted to call together his own evil spirits to form a wicked society or conspiracy against the good, that is, against the Lord. Thereabouts is the city of the evil. Those who seem to themselves to live there, in fantasy rush around the streets, ankle-deep in mud, moaning and complaining miserably.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 750

750. There is a boundary which they are not allowed to pass; from it a line is extended to the two cities on either side, so that a triangle is formed by the lines drawn from that boundary to each of the two cities, and from the one city to the other. One city, which is that of the evil, is not far from Gehenna, more towards the left. A dragon sometimes appeared there when he wanted to call together his evil spirits to form a wicked consociation or conspiracy against the good, that is, against the Lord. Thereabouts is the city of the evil. Those who from phantasy appear to themselves to dwell in it run about the streets, where the mud is above the ankles, howling and complaining miserably.

Experientiae Spirituales 750 (original Latin 1748-1764)

750. Terminus est, quem non transcendere iis licet, ab illo ducitur utrinque remotius ad binas urbes, sic ut triangulum 1

efficiatur a termino ad binas urbes, et ab urbe ad urbem lineis ductis, una urbs quae malorum est, est non procul a Gehenna, magis ad sinistrum, ubi apparuit aliquoties draco cum vellet convocare suos malos spiritus, et societatem nefandam seu conjurationem facere contra bonos, hoc est, contra Dominum, ibi circiter est civitas malorum; qui in ea versari sibi apparent ex phantasia currunt circa plateas, ubi lutum supra talos, miserabiliter ejulantes et querentes 2



1. The Manuscript has tringulum

2. The Manuscript has quaerentes sed vide Arcana Coelestia 940[2]

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