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《灵界经历》 第749节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 749

749. 1About the robbers in the desert about the city About the robbers in the desert, see [723-732], as well as about their cruelty, which I am not even permitted describe; nor were they permitted show it me. In addition, it can be said that they are not in the habitable land, but are in the desert, because they go alone do not put up with a companion, because it is their nature want torment, slaughter, burn up boil anyone they meet, this being their great enjoyment.


1. 745-48 appear after 754, as indicated in the autograph.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 749


Concerning the robbers in the desert and their cruelty which it is not even allowable to describe, nor was it permitted them to show it to me, see above [nos. 728-732. It can, however, be said that they are not in the land, but are in the desert, because they wander about alone and do not admit any companion, for they are such that they desire to torture, slay, burn and boil whomsoever they meet. This is their pleasure.


1. The paragraphs (nos. 745-754) are here printed in the order in which they were written.

Experientiae Spirituales 749 (original Latin 1748-1764)

749. De latronibus in deserto, et de urbe


De latronibus in deserto, vide prius [723-732], deque eorum crudelitate, quam ne quidem describere licet, nec permittebatur iis eam mihi monstrare; praeterea dici potest, quod 2

non sint in terra, sed sint in deserto, quia soli vadunt nec admittunt socium, quia tales sunt, ut quemcunque offendunt, cruciare, mactare, cremare, et coquere cupiunt, id eorum voluptas.


1. 745 ad 748 invenias conformiter aucioris indiciis post 754 posita

2. The Manuscript has quon

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