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《灵界经历》 第753节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 753

753. On that boundary, a spirit almost snowy white appeared to me, and an angel also, almost shining. And as another spirit was coming up, the spirit standing there welcomed with outstretched arms the one approaching, who, bowing himself to the earth, passed under his feet. Then, having quickly turned around, being on his back or with his body downward and face upward, he was driven under his feet and then thrown forward on high, and so he fled away. This they call admission towards the city. So they are not harmed, because they say that [the spirit] is obliged to admit them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 753

753. In that boundary there appeared to me a spirit almost snow white, and there also was an almost luminous angel, and another spirit was coming thither. Then the spirit standing there, with outstretched arms received the approaching spirit, who, bowing himself towards the earth, passed beneath his feet, and he then turned, and on his back, with body prone and face upwards, he was driven under his feet, and immediately projected on high, and so he fled away. They call this admission into the city. In this way they are not injured, because they say they ought to admit them.

Experientiae Spirituales 753 (original Latin 1748-1764)

753. Apparuit mihi in termino isto spiritus niveus fere, et angelus ibi etiam lucidus paene; et alius spiritus, illuc veniens, tunc spiritus ibi stans porrectis ulnis excipiebat venientem, qui se incurvans versus terram subibat sub pedes ejus, et mox reversus, supino seu prono corpore, facie sursum, sub pedes ejus actus, et projectus mox, in altius, et sic aufugit, hoc vocatur iis admissio versus urbem, sic non laeduntur, quia [spiritum] eos admittere debere dicunt.

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