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《灵界经历》 第756节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 756

756. The difference is like that between artificial fruits, artificial flowers, leaves, artificial human figures of wax, reproductions that are clay on the inside (it is only the outside that counterfeits and leads astray, in fact so cleverly sometimes that the untrained and simple are easily fooled), and genuine fruits, flowers, and human faces. In the latter there is life, and the deeper and deeper one goes, the more spiritual and heavenly the life is. These endure, and develop, and the more deeply this takes place, the more beautiful and the happier they become; whereas with the former, as one goes inward, the outer beauty and pleasantness falls away, or collapses, betraying nothing but what is filthy and hellish. 1748, 12 February.

Such is the life of pleasures in the body. 1


1. A line is here inserted separating this paragraph from the next one.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 756

756. The difference is like that between artificial fruits, artificial flowers and leaves, artificial human forms made of wax within which is clay, and between genuine fruits, flowers, and human faces in which there is life. In the former case there is merely an outermost which counterfeits and misleads, and indeed with such artifice that sometimes the uninformed and the simple are easily deceived. Whereas in the case of the latter, there is life, and the more interiorly and inmostly [it is regarded], the more spiritual and celestial is the life [seen to be]. These remain and are perfected, and become the more beautiful and happy the more interior they are; but as the former things proceed towards the interiors, their external beauty and loveliness falls away and decays, and then nothing but what is filthy and infernal comes forth. 1748, Feb. 12.

Such is the life of pleasures in the body.

Experientiae Spirituales 756 (original Latin 1748-1764)

756. Differentia talis est, qualis est inter artificiales fructus artificiales flores, folia, artificiales formas humanas ex cera, fictas, quibus intus est lutum--solum 1

extimum est quod mentitur et seducit, imo tali artificio quandoque ut non instructi ac simplices facile fallantur--ac 2

inter fructus, flores, humanas facies veras, in quibus est vita, et quo interius ac intimius eo vita magis spiritualis et coelestis. Haec permanent, et perficiuntur, fiuntque quo intimius, [eo] pulchriora, et feliciora; illa vero, dum versus interiora vadunt, pulchritudo et amaenitas externa labitur, seu con-cidit, et tunc nihil nisi spurcum ac infernale prodit. 1748, 12 Febr.

Talis est vita voluptatum in corpore.


1. The Manuscript has latum (sic!), solum in J.F.I. Tafel's edition: "lutum pro latum"

2. The Manuscript has fallantur, ac

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