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《灵界经历》 第755节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 755

755. 1About the difference between the delights of pleasure, and true happiness

When I was feeling deep delight, or pleasantness, I did not know their source; for it is very difficult for a soul or spirit to distinguish between false or counterfeited delights and true or heavenly ones. Their sensation is still so gross that they cannot tell. For this reason, I discussed these delights with spirits around me, as to where they came from, and it was said that false delights or pleasures sometimes so counterfeit true and heavenly ones, that they cannot at all be distinguished. In fact, unless the Lord inspires a recognition of the difference, a spirit cannot ever find out.

By false delight of this kind, evil spirits, in fact the worst ones, very much mislead and enchant those in the other life, who then think it to be the epitome of heaven, whereas it is completely hellish, because it turns into what is hellish, and into torments. Thus they not only inject the most deeply felt pleasantness, but also counterfeit the beautiful shapes of various objects, even like the gardens of paradise. For evil spirits, especially those high overhead, constantly seek to copy such things, and thus lead souls astray or entice them to their side, so that they will join them.


1. Following the author's instructions, 749-54 have been put after 744.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 755


When I deeply felt delights or pleasantnesses I did not know whence they came, for it is very difficult for a soul or spirit to distinguish between fictitious or counterfeit delights, and those that are true or heavenly, because with them the sensation is as yet so gross that they do not know the difference; wherefore I conversed with the spirits around me concerning those delights, as to whence they came. Hence it was said that false delights or pleasures sometimes so counterfeit those that are true and heavenly that it is by no means possible to distinguish between them; indeed, unless the Lord inspires a knowledge of the distinction, a spirit is not at all aware of it. How very often do evil spirits, indeed the worst, mock and fascinate those who are in the other life by similar fictitious delights; for they suppose them to be heavenly delight itself, when nevertheless it is altogether infernal, because it is turned into what is infernal and into torment. Thus they not only inject a pleasantness perceptible to their inmost, but also [represent] beautiful counterfeit forms of different objects, such as gardens, as if they were those of paradise. For evil spirits, especially those who are high above the head, continually study how they may imitate such things, and thus seduce or allure souls over to their side, so that they may be associated with themselves.

Experientiae Spirituales 755 (original Latin 1748-1764)

755. De differentia inter voluptatis delitias, et felicitatem veram


Cum persentiscerem delitias seu amaenitates, nesciebam unde essent, quia difficillimum est animae seu spiritui distinguere inter delitias fictas seu mentitas, ac inter veras seu coelestes, quia sensatio adhuc tam crassa iis est, ut id nesciant, quare sermo erat cum spiritibus circum me, de delitiis istis, unde venirent, inde dicebatur, quod falsae delitiae seu voluptates quandoque ita mentiantur veras et coelestes, ut distingui neutiquam possit, imo nisi Dominus inspiret cognitionem distinctionis, spiritus nequaquam id novit, per similes fictitias delitias mali spiritus imo pessimi illudunt quamplurimum, et fascinant eos, qui in altera vita sunt, putant enim esse ipsum coeleste, cum tamen est prorsus infernale, quia vertitur in infernale et cruciatus, ita non solum amaenitates perceptibiles ad eorum intima injiciunt, sed etiam formas mentitas pulchras diversorum objectorum, imo hortos quasi paradisorum; nam continue student mali spiritus imprimis ii qui alte super caput, ut imitentur talia, et sic seducant seu alliciant animas in suas partes, ut sibi associentur.


1. 749 ad 754 apparent conformiter indiciis auctoris post 744 posita

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