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  766. (网站注:原文无766节)

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《灵界经历》 第766节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 766

766. The powerful and the rich in the world are saved equally as the lowly and poor

I spoke with some after their bodily life who had been powerful, with Kings, and queens, with whom all was well, and who can be counted among the more happy. On the other hand, I have also encountered very many of the lower class and the poor who are in a wretched condition, especially beggars and the like.

So worldly power, and worldly riches, do not hold a person back from attaining Life eternal, nor does a pitiable condition or poverty promote it. The determining factor is rather the inward person and the productiveness of one's faith and charity, consequently one's motives and the use to which one's goods, power and riches are put.

Therefore, there is no distinction between the two types of people except on the plane of religion. 1748, 14 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 766


I have spoken with those who had been powerful, who had been kings and queens, with whom it had fared well after the life of the body, and who are to be counted among the more happy; but I have also met very many who had been lowly and poor who are in a miserable state, especially beggars and the like. Thus worldly power and worldly riches in no wise hinder a man from attaining eternal life, neither does a miserable state or poverty promote it. But it is the interior man and the fruits of faith and charity, consequently his ends and making use of his goods, power, and riches which effect it; consequently, there is no other distinction between men of different classes than that which is of faith. 1748, Feb. 14.

Experientiae Spirituales 766 (original Latin 1748-1764)

766. Quod potentes et divites in mundo, aeque salvantur, ac viles et pauperes

Locutus sum cum iis post vitam corporis, qui potentes fuerant, qui Reges, reginaeque, cum quibus se bene habuit, et qui inter feliciores numerandi, viles autem et pauperes, etiam perplures conveni, qui in miserabili statu sunt, cumprimis mendicantes, et similes, sic ut potentia mundi, et divitiae mundi nihil prohibeant hominem a Vita aeterna, nec miserabilis 1

status et paupertas, promoveat, sed est interior homo, et fructus fidei et charitatis, proinde fines, et fruitio bonorum, potentiae ac divitiarum, quae efficit; proinde nulla distinctio datur inter cujusvis sortis homines praeter quae fidei est. 1748, 14 Febr.


1. The Manuscript has meserabilis

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