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《灵界经历》 第774节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 774

774. About an entirely infernal gang

At the left side there is a hell where there are demons, as they ought to be called, who live from mere instinct, their rationality having been taken away. They are not so evil, but think when doing evil that they are doing good. So that place is for those who consider evils to be good and who, having been deprived of the ability to reason, abide there and think that they are ruling the universe. But they are then in a dream, as they themselves also said when they returned to themselves and their rationality was restored to them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 774


At the left side is a hell 1where are demons, as they should be called, who being deprived of rationality act from mere instinct; they are not so evil. They are those who suppose that they are doing good, when they do evil; thus those who are there place good in evils. Being deprived of their rationality, they spend their time there and suppose that they govern the universe; but they are then in a dream, as they also said when, rationality having been restored, they came to themselves.


1. In the Index (s.v. Ratio) this is referred to as an infernal tun.

Experientiae Spirituales 774 (original Latin 1748-1764)

774. De turba mere infernali

Ad partem sinistram est infernum, ubi daemones, ita dicendi, qui mero instinctu agunt, demta iis rationalitate, nec ita mali, qui putant cum malum faciunt, se bonum facere, sic sunt ibi qui in malis ponunt bonum, ii rationalitate sua orbati, ibi versantur, et putant se universum regere, sed sunt tunc in somnio, sicut dictum quoque ab iis est, dum ad se redierunt, reddita iis rationalitate.

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