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《灵界经历》 第775节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 775

775. Not far from there, more toward the right of the same left quarter, is a dark place I had not yet seen, where there are devils. These store up the more secret types of poison. Today I observed one of them going out from there and speaking quite intelligibly, using his own wit and reason. But soon after this, a hellish poison exhaled from that place, that is, a poisonous persuasion regarding life, heaven, and the state of departed souls. This was conveyed to me first, and soon after that, the same devil, coming up to me, wanted to speak with me without anyone hearing. But because his poisons had already been recognized, he was not permitted to utter them but only to think them, so that he was, I realized, being compelled to speak differently [than he thought]. He is now present.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 775

775. Not far from there, a little towards the right of the same left hand quarter, is a dark place I have not yet seen, where there are devils and where they store up their more secret poison. Today I saw one of them going forth from there who spoke according to his genius and reason, speaking very distinctly. But at once there exhaled thence an infernal poison, that is, a kind of poisonous persuasion concerning life, heaven and the state of souls, which for the first time was brought thence to me. The same spirit flowing to me at once wanted to speak with me without anyone hearing. But because his poisons were already known, he was not permitted to speak out, but only to think, so that he might be compelled to speak something else, which was perceived. The same spirit is now present.

Experientiae Spirituales 775 (original Latin 1748-1764)

775. Non procul abinde, magis dextrorsum, ab eadem plaga, seu sinistra, est locus obscurus, nondum mihi visus, ubi diaboli sunt, et venena abditiora recondunt, inde hodie vidi unum exeuntem et loquentem admodum distincte, qui secundum ejus genium et rationes loquutus 1

est: sed mox inde exhalabat infemale venenum, hoc est, persuasio quaedam venenosa, de vita, de coelo, et statu animarum, quae primum inde ad me perducebatur, mox idem ad me alluens, voluit mecum loqui, nemine audiente, et quia ejus venena jamdum cognita erant 2

, non permissum erat ei eloqui, sed modo cogitare, ut aliud cogeretur loqui, quod perceptum est: idem nunc adstat.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has loquutum

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has erat

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