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《灵界经历》 第777节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 777

777. About certain rich and luxurious people in the world

There was a spirit who had lived in luxury in his bodily life, having become rich from gifts, so that he was reckoned among the more wealthy and served a sumptuous table, though he was not born such, but became such. After the life of the body, such people wander around asking for food like beggars, and they go in tattered clothing, not knowing but that they are in the life of the body. Thus their condition is changed to the opposite, which must be painful for them. 1748, 15 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 777


There was a certain female spirit who in the life of the body had lived in luxury, and become rich from gifts, so that she was counted among the more wealthy, and she had furnished her table sumptuously. She had not indeed been born rich, but had become so. After the life of the body, such persons wander about seeking food like beggars and going about in torn garments; nor do they know otherwise than that they are in the life of the body. Thus their state is changed into a contrary one, which cannot be done except with pain. 1748, Feb. 15.

Experientiae Spirituales 777 (original Latin 1748-1764)

777. Erat quidam 1

spiritus, qui in vita corporis in luxuria vixit, et ex datis dives factus, sic ut inter opulentiores numeratus, et ei mensa subministrata opipara, hic quidem non ita natus erat, sed ita factus; post vitam corporis tales circumeunt, et quaerunt 2

victum, sicut mendicantes, et laceris vestibus eunt, nec sciunt aliter ac in vita corporis sint, ita status eorum in contrarium mutatur, quod non potest fieri, nisi cum dolore. 1748, 15 Febr.


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition conformiter auctoris emendationibus mox inferius: quae in qui, facta in factus, numerata in numeratus, haec in hic, nata in natus, facta infactus; the Manuscript has quaedam

2. The Manuscript has quaereunt

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