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《灵界经历》 第792节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 792

792. Spirits who had not believed in the life after death are dumbfounded when it is proved to them

A certain spirit, about whom I know he had not believed in a life after death during his bodily life - even though in his last hours, I think he had been persuaded by a priest [to believe] - when it was proved to him in various ways that he was in the other life, was so dumbfounded, so amazed at being in another life, that he could hardly be convinced. He said that he had been living without reflecting, when yet all this long while he had been in the company of [spirits] like he now was. But he was among infernal ones. 1748, 15 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 792


A certain spirit known to me had not during the life of the body believed in a life after death, although I suppose he had been persuaded by the priest in his last moments. When it was shown him by various means that he was in the other life, he was so amazed and wonder-struck that he could scarcely be convinced, saying that he had thus lived without reflection, when, nevertheless, he had been for so long a time in the company of similar spirits. But he was among the infernals. 1748, Feb. 15. There was just now present a similar spirit who had persuaded himself that there was no life after death. He spoke with others about the life after death, and upheld his belief, not reflecting that he was in the other life. He is among the infernals of the dark chamber. 1748, Sept. 8. 1


1. This last paragraph was interpolated later when Swedenborg was making the Index. See n, 3102.

Experientiae Spirituales 792 (original Latin 1748-1764)

792. Quod spiritus, qui non crediderint vitam post mortem, stupescant, quando iis id monstratur

Quidam spiritus, quem scio, quod in vita corporis, non crediderit 1


vitam post mortem, tametsi in ultimis, ut reor, persuasus fuerit a sacerdote, cum ei monstratum est per varia, quod in altera vita esset, tam obstupuerit, aut miratus sit, quod in altera vita esset, ut vix potuerit adduci, dicendo, quod ita vixerit absque reflexione, cum tamen interea in consortio similium tamdiu fuisset, sed inter infemales erat. 1748, 15 Febr.

Quidam nunc aderat similis, qui persuaserat sibi non dari vitam post mortem, loquutus cum aliis de vita post mortem absque reflexione quod esset in altera vita, et sustinuit idem; inter infernales Camerae Obscurae. 1748, 8 Sept. [vide 3101-3102.]


1. sic manuscript; vide praefationem hujus editionis sub capite "Idiosyncrasies"

2. hoc est quem scio, in vita corporis, non credidisse

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