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《灵界经历》 第795节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 795

795. One of them later spoke, and did, unspeakably horrible things, which therefore must not be made known, for he viciously attacked everything [true and good]. And amazingly, because such spirits have this nature, they can never let up, but once they are permitted, then no matter how they are persuaded and how well instructed that such acts should not be done, they nevertheless commit them. Their nature and instinct drive them to it and they carry them out with pleasure, because a passion for such [wickedness] clings to them. 1748, 15 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 795

795. This spirit later spoke and did wicked things which are not therefore to be uttered, for there was nothing which he did not wickedly attack. It is remarkable that such spirits can by no means desist, because this is their nature. By whatever means they may be persuaded, and however much they are aware that a thing should not be so done, yet they do it when they are permitted. Their nature and instinct drive them to such things, and they do them with pleasure because such a cupidity inheres in them. 1748, Feb. 15.

Experientiae Spirituales 795 (original Latin 1748-1764)

795. Talis postea nefanda loquutus est, et nefanda fecit, quae ideo non edicenda sunt, nam nihil non sceleste aggressus est; et mirabile, quod tales, quia natura eorum talis est, nequaquam possint desistere, sed quando modo iis permittitur, tunc quomodocunque persuadetur, et quaecunque norunt, quod ita non faciendum est, usque patrant, natura et instinctus eos adigit ad ea, et efficiunt talia cum voluptate, quia cupiditas talis inhaeret. 1748, 15 Febr.

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