801. That people's goals or motives determine their placement is clear from the fact that our life consists of our motives, which are mostly the same as our loves; and our motives, taken together, are like our soul - and such indeed does our soul become. For one's soul looks only toward purposes, and is a bundle of purposes
[26]. So it is that during bodily life, we develop a soul for ourself, which is our character and instinct.
801. It can hence be evident that ends dispose men, and that man's life consists in his ends, which for the most part are his loves, and his ends taken together are, as it were, his soul, and such does his soul become. For the soul of man only regards ends, and is the complex of ends. Thus man during the life of the body forms for himself his soul, which is his disposition and instinct.
801. Quod fines disponant homines inde constare potest, quod in finibus hominis, qui utplurimum sunt amores, consistat vita ejus, suntque fines simul ejus quasi anima, et talis fit ejus anima; nam anima hominis modo spectat fines, estque complexus finium, sic homo sibi format animam in vita corporis, quae est ejus indoles et instinctus.