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《灵界经历》 第806节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 806

806. But these are they who had loved only such things, and considered them as essential, while they are but the lowest means. These people always imagine such things to be most important, as is commonly done, because they are means for coming to inward, and so to very inward principles.

On account of his love of these pursuits and the delusions it causes, in his thoughts this person did not rise beyond them, much less come to universal principles. Consequently, he did not have the purpose of putting them to a further use.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 806

806. There are those who have loved only such things and made them essentials, when nevertheless they are but the lowest means. Such persons always imagine to themselves that these things are supreme, as is usual with the common people, because they are mediate causes leading to interior, and so to more interior, things. Such a person does not ascend by means of thoughts beyond such things, on account of his love of them and the phantasies therefrom, still less does he ascend to things universal; consequently his end has not been that he might make further use of them.

Experientiae Spirituales 806 (original Latin 1748-1764)

806. Sed sunt ii qui solum amaverant similia, et fecerant ea ut 1

essentialia, cum tamen sunt media infima, tales sibi semper imaginantur, quod illa sint suprema, ut vulgo solet, quia sunt causae mediae ad interiora, et sic ad intimiora; talis ultra talia, propter amorem eorum, et phantasias inde, non ascendit, per cogitationes, minus ad universalia, proinde non habuit finem, ut inde ulteriorem usum faceret.


1. The Manuscript has ea, ut

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