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《灵界经历》 第807节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 807

807. One who loves only memorized facts and considers them to be wisdom, going by the rule that a person is the wiser, the more he has stored in his memory, has a kind of callus enveloping his thought, as said before [771]. When this callus is removed, he laments, thinking he has lost his whole life, and that there is nothing left; but as it seemed to me, he then for the first time is in a state where he can be perfected. And the reason it seemed that way to me was, I think, that he also had, inwardly, some goodness, so that some goodness sweated through. 1748, 16 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 807

807. He who loves only the things of the memory and places wisdom therein, and holds it as a rule that a man is wise in proportion to the things his memory contains, has his thought, as before said, [n. 771, covered over with a kind of callosity, as it were, upon the removal of which he mourns and supposes that he has lost all his life and that there is nothing then left. But as it appeared to me, he is then first in a state in which he can be perfected; such it appeared to me, because, as I suppose, he also had something of good within, so that something of good oozed through. 1748, Feb. 16.

Experientiae Spirituales 807 (original Latin 1748-1764)

807. Qui res memoriae solum amat, et sapientiam inibi ponit, habetque pro regula, quod tantum homo sapiat, quantum memoria contineat, is ut prius dictum [771], quasi callo quodam obducitur ejus cogitatio, quo callo ablato luget putat se amisisse omnem suam vitam putat tunc nihil residuum esse, sed ut mihi apparuit, tunc primum in statu est, ut perfici possit, nam tale mihi apparuit, ex causa, ut reor, quod etiam aliquid boni habuerit, intus, sic ut transudaverit aliquid boni. 1748, 16 Febr.

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