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《灵界经历》 第808节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 808

808. Continuation on the life after death according to one's purposes in the life of the body

There were also some of the kind who had done no thinking at all, but were only followers, so to speak, so that whatever was said, they followed. In these likewise there did not seem to me to be much life, because they did nothing on their own, only following others, as if they themselves were nothing - for if they do nothing of themselves, then their presence goes almost unnoticed. I was informed that this is what those become who during their bodily life do nothing except on impulse and who in considering, understanding, responding to anything, are like little bursts of flame. What they are to say or answer back occurs to them on the spur of the moment, so that they commit themselves spontaneously, without thought, or deliberation. During their bodily life such people are easy and flexible, and at the same time also demons; for they readily flare up, although the fire is soon put out. The flame is a visual image of their speech; besides many other details.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 808


There were also those who have never thought anything at all [for themselves] but were only followers, as it were, so that whatever was told them they followed. There did not seem to me to be much life in them, for they did nothing of themselves but only when following others, as if they themselves were nothing; for if they do nothing of themselves it is perceived only as if they are one [with those they follow]. I was instructed that those become such who in the life of the body do nothing except from instinct, and who in viewing, understanding, and answering are like little flames, so that what they should say and answer comes to them at once, and they offer themselves freely without thought or premeditation. Such in the life of the body are yielding and pliant. They are at the same time also genii, for they easily catch fire which nevertheless is soon extinguished. The flame is like the appearance of their speech; besides many other things.

Experientiae Spirituales 808 (original Latin 1748-1764)

808. Continuatio de vita post mortem ex finibus in vita corporis

Fuerunt etiam tales, qui nihil usque cogitaverunt, sed modo erant quasi sequentes, ut quicquid dicebatur, sequerentur; in iis nec multum vitae inesse mihi videbatur 1

, quia nihil ex se agerent, sed solum alios sequendo, quasi nihil essent, nam si nihil ex se, non percipitur quasi quod una 2

sint; instructus sum, quod tales fiant ii qui in vita corporis nihil agunt quam ex instinctu, et qui in pervidendo, intelligendo, respondendo sint tanquam flammulae, ut ex tempore obveniat quid dicendum et respondendum, ita ut se sponte offerant, absque cogitatione, seu praemeditatione, tales in vita corporis, sunt faciles, flexibiles, et sunt simul quoque genii, nam facile arripiunt flammam, quae tamen mox exstinguitur, seque habet flamma sicut visio loquelae, praeter plura.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has videbantur

2. hoc est praesentes

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