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《灵界经历》 第811节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 811

811. There are others, also, who perform a quite important use. They seize upon whatever is thought, and do not reason about it, but believe and are convinced. But the ones who are good are not convinced by anything other than what they understand to be true and good. In bodily life, they had been people who had believed others obstinately, and had seized upon things that they had simply heard, without any effort to think for themselves. They are of important use, and near to the angelic heaven. When they are led astray, they are angered and grieve. Among them are also those having spiritual innocence, which arises from ignorance of more inward truths. 1748, 16 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 811

811. There are also others who perform a quite remarkable use. They seize upon whatever is thought and do not reason about it, but believe it and are persuaded, although those who are good are not persuaded by anything except what they understand to be true and good. In the life of the body they have been those who have believed in others with pertinacity; thus the things they have only heard, they seize upon without an effort of thought on their own part. They are of remarkable use and near to the angelic heaven. When they are led astray, they are indignant and grieve. Among them are also the spiritual innocences which come forth from ignorance of more interior truths. 1748, Feb. 16.

Experientiae Spirituales 811 (original Latin 1748-1764)

811. Sunt alii quoque, qui satis insignem usum praestant, qui arripiunt quicquid usquam cogitatur, nec ratiocinantur sed credunt, et persuadentur, sed qui boni sunt, non aliis persuadentur, quam quae intelligunt verum et bonum esse, in vita corporis fuerant ii qui crediderant aliis cui pertinacia, modo audiverint ea, arripuerint sic, absque proprio cogitationis conatu, sunt insignis usus, et prope a coelum angelicum, quando seducuntur, indignantur, ac dolent; inter eos sunt quoque innocentiae spirituales 1

, quae ab ignorantia veritatum intimiorum proveniunt. 1748, 16 Febr.


1. The Manuscript has spiritualis; in J.F.I. Tafel's edition: "legerim spirituales"

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