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《灵界经历》 第863节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 863


Scattered within this callus are also good and true elements which sprout forth from the medullary body as a root, and are thus implanted. It was portrayed to me how those good and true elements scattered in the callus were removed [along with it], but withdrew themselves toward the inward parts. Thereupon those from whom they had been removed, crying out, said that now they did not believe anything - that there is a heaven, a God, or anything spiritual and heavenly, and that it appeared to them as if they were nothing, or nobody. A number underwent this who nevertheless are believers, or had been before these elements were taken away.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 863

863. Interspersed throughout this callus, there are also truths and goods which sprout forth from the medullary body as a root, and thus insert themselves. It was represented to me that those truths and goods interspersed through the callus were removed, but they withdrew themselves towards the interiors. Then those spirits from whom the goods and truths had in this way been removed, crying out, said that now they do not believe anything, that is, that there is a heaven, a God, or anything spiritual and celestial, all which appeared to them as nothing, or of no account. Such do some become who nevertheless are in the faith, or had been before those goods and truths were taken away.

Experientiae Spirituales 863 (original Latin 1748-1764)

863. Huic callo inspersa quoque sunt vera et bona, quae ex radicali medulloso corpore pullulant, seque sic inserunt, repraesentatum mihi est, quod vera et bona illa inspersa callo, ablata sint, sed receperunt se versus interiora, tunc ii, a quibus illa ablata sic sunt, clamando dicebant, quod nunc non credant quicquam, scilicet, quod coelum sit, quod Deus, et quicquam quod spirituale et coeleste, quod iis apparuit sicut nihil aut nullum, aliquot tales facti sunt, qui tamen in fide sunt, seu fuerunt antequam ea ablata sunt.

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