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《灵界经历》 第867节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 867

867. On the torture of spirits who want to be high

There are some spirits, or troops of spirits, who wander around, periodically arriving back at the same places. [I was told] that souls and spirits are extremely afraid of them, for they torment them with a certain kind of torture.

I was afterwards instructed that these are they who portray the inner basal lining or upper part of the bladder in general, that is, the parts which there insert into the bladder, such as the umbilical ligaments, the muscles, the nerves, which spread out from there and come together towards its sphincter.

These same ones who were with me today, therefore, are those who relate to the sphincter of the neck [of the bladder], or the entrance to the urethra; for their torture is like strangury, and indeed, from the beginning even to the outlet of the urethra.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 867


There are certain spirits or troops of spirits who wander about, and from time to time return to the same places. Souls and spirits greatly fear them, for they torment them with a certain kind of torture. Later, I was instructed that these are the spirits who represent the fundus, or upper part of the bladder in general, namely, those parts which there enter into the bladder, as the umbilical ligaments, the muscles, and the nerves which from there are spread out and concentrate toward the sphincter. They are, therefore, the same as those spirits who were with me today, who relate to the sphincter of the cervix [of the bladder], or the entrance towards the urethra, for their torture is like the twisting of the sphincter, and this continuously from the beginning to the outlet of the urethra.

Experientiae Spirituales 867 (original Latin 1748-1764)

867. De tortura spirituum qui alti esse cupiunt

Sunt quidam spiritus, seu cohortes 1

spirituum, qui circumvagantur, et per vices ad eadem loca perveniunt, quos animae et spiritus maximopere 2

timent, nam certo torturae genere eos cruciant; postea instructus sum, quod ii sunt qui repraesentant fundum seu superiorem partem vesicae communi, nempe ibi ea quae ingrediuntur vesicam, sic ligamenta umbilicalia, musculi, nervi, quae inde se dissipant, et concentrant versus sphincterem, quare iidem qui hodie fuerunt, sunt qui referunt sphincterem cervicis, seu introitus versus urethram, nam eorum tortura similis est torsioni sphincteris, et quidem a principio continue ad urethrae exitum.


1. The Manuscript has cohorrtes

2. imperfectum in the Manuscript

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