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《灵界经历》 第871节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 871

871. Those are inserted [within that cone] who are puffed up by their fantasies and, on account of delusions engendered by their [false] reasoning, consider themselves to be above others. This is clear from the location where the torture takes place. 1748, 19 February.

Some others, also wanting to undergo the same tearing apart, were just below the left foot, and they said that they had never felt anything so painful, or believed it to be possible. 1748, 11 September.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 871

871. [Into that cone] are inserted those who by phantasies and because of the phantasies of reasonings, aspire to be on high, and so suppose that they are superior to others. This is evident from the place where the torture is inflicted. 1748, Feb. 19. Others, almost beneath the left foot, were also willing to undergo the same torture. They said that they had never felt anything more painful, nor believed that there could be. 1748, Sept. 11. 1


1. This paragraph is crowded into a small space at the foot of the page. As the date indicates it was added some months after the preceding numbers, when Swedenborg was making the index.

Experientiae Spirituales 871 (original Latin 1748-1764)

871. Inseruntur ii, qui per phantasias, et propter phantasias ratiociniorum alte spirant, et sic putant supra alios esse, quod liquet, ex loco ubi tortura facta est. 1748, 19 Febr.

Alii quoque eandem dilacerationem subire volentes, infra pedem sinistrum fere [erant], et dicebant, quod nusquam magis dolorificum senserint, aut crediderint dari posse. 1748, 11 Sept. 1


1. sic manuscript

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