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《灵界经历》 第877节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 877

877. After this form is put aside, like the calluses spoken of previously [862-865], then the new or inward person arises, who is prepared by the Lord Alone. This is portrayed in the world by little worms being transformed into nymphs, and presently, with the wings given them, flying in their own heaven, or joy, or in the air - having their own heavenly [lives], suited to their nature, and playing amongst themselves, laying eggs, and gathering delightful foods from the flowers appointed for them; besides other circumstances that pertain to them, unknown to us. 1748, 19 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 877

877. After this form is put off, like the calluses described above, [nos. 862-865, the new or interior man, who is prepared by the Lord alone, arises. This is represented in the world by the worms which are transformed into nymphs, and presently when wings have been acquired, they fly about in their own heaven or joy, that is, in the air; they have their heavenly things suitable to themselves; they sport amongst themselves; they lay their eggs; and from the flowers which they prefer they select their delicious food; not to mention their other states unknown to us. 1748, Feb. 19.

Experientiae Spirituales 877 (original Latin 1748-1764)

877. Postquam haec forma exuitur, sicut calli ut prius [862-865], tunc novus homo surgit, seu interior, qui praeparatur a Solo Domino, quod repraesentatur in mundo per vermiculos, qui in nymphas transferuntur, et mox datis alis in suomet coelo, seu gaudio, seu in aere volitant, et sua coelestia habent sibi convenientia, luduntque inter se, ponuntque ova, et a floribus iis addicatis legunt delitias victus, praeter alios eorum status nobis incognitos. 1748, 19 Febr.

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