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《灵界经历》 第876节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 876

876. His function, that of threatening somewhat, indicates the same thing, because it is the duty of such spirits to do so, though not as severely as others. But thereupon he instructs them as to how their life should be improved, thus outwardly, how a person should be made ready so as to have truths, since the knowledge of truths serves that purpose. So if he were allowed to teach about heaven, he would also want to do so, but he is not permitted to because he is still among spirits of that kind and has that outer form.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 876

876. His function indicates the same thing, namely, that he threatens to some extent, for this is the office of such spirits, but not so severely as others. Then he at once instructs how the life is to be amended, thus how man should be prepared externally that he may be in truths, the cognitions of which are harmonious. If he were allowed to instruct concerning heaven he would also desire to do so, but he is not permitted because he is as yet among such spirits, and his external form is such.

Experientiae Spirituales 876 (original Latin 1748-1764)

876. Functio ejus idem indicat, nempe quod comminetur aliquantum, quia talium tale est munus, sed non ita severe, ut alii, sed mox instruat, quomodo vita emendanda, externe, quomodo praeparandus homo ut in veritatibus sit, quarum cognitiones conveniunt, ita si liceret ei instruere de coelo, id quoque cuperet, sed id non ei permittitur, quia inter tales spiritus adhuc est, et forma externa talis.

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