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《灵界经历》 第879节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 879

879. The room is lit up, sometimes more than things illuminated by our own daylight, but sometimes the scenes following one upon another are rather dim; and when these imaginative pictures vanish, then something that seems to depict a window appears on the wall and grows wider and wider. Yet it is still dark, and no light enters, [the rooms] being for the most part dark in color. After a while some sky appears, with a cloud in it, and far off, little stars. In this way their rooms are changed into more pleasant ones.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 879

879. The room is sometimes more luminous than rooms lightened by our daylight, but sometimes it is darker, which variations succeed each other. When these imaginative pictures vanish there then appears on the wall, which is more and more enlarged, something representing a window, as it were, but it is then obscure and no light enters. The colors are for the most part dark. Presently something of heaven appears to them with a kind of cloud within, and at a distance, little stars. In this way their rooms are changed into more pleasant ones.

Experientiae Spirituales 879 (original Latin 1748-1764)

879. Conclave est luminosum quandoque magis, quam quae illuminantur nostro die, sed quandoque obscuriores [sunt varietates], quae quoque succedunt; quum evanescunt hae picturae imaginativae, tunc quoddam quasi fenestram repraesentans in pariete subit, quod dilatatur magis magisque, sed tunc obscurum est, nec aliqua lux intrat, coloris plerumque obscuri sunt 1

, mox patet iis aliquid coeli, cum nube quadam intra, et e longinquo stellulae, ita mutantur eorum conclavia in amaeniora.


1. hoc est sunt [conclavia]

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