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《灵界经历》 第880节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 880

880. Those virgin spirits, who had been here for some time, began to burn with the desire to return to their own chambers, saying that they have their greatest enjoyment when they are there, because the scenes are so delightful; and they cannot possibly tell otherwise than that they are real. They are telling me now with assurance that they are - something I too can affirm, only in the sense that the imagery with which they are portrayed is so vivid. For I have seen things like these so many times, with closed eyes, in their own light - altogether as in daylight - that nothing has now become more familiar to me. In fact, all things whatsoever in the inward realm can be shown in such a vivid way, that nothing seems out of the ordinary: even written material can be placed right under my eyes, so that I can read the writing as if from an open book - and this when I am in a wakeful state, at the same time engaged in lively discussion with spirits.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 880

880. Those virgin spirits who had been here for some time began to burn with the desire to return to their own rooms, saying that they there have the greatest delectation because the varieties afford them so much delight, nor is it possible for them to know otherwise than that such is the case. They now say with conviction that it is so, which I also can affirm, but in this way, that the imagination by which those things are represented is so vivid. For similar things have very many times been seen by me in their own light when my eyes were closed, altogether as in daylight, so that nothing has become more familiar to me. So true is this, that all things whatsoever in the interior sphere can be so vividly exhibited that they differ in not the slightest respect. Indeed, writings were placed so plainly before my eyes that I could read what is written as in an open book, and this in wakefulness, when at the same time I was in lively conversation with spirits. 1748, Feb. 19.

Experientiae Spirituales 880 (original Latin 1748-1764)

880. Illi virginei spiritus, qui hic fuerunt atiquamdiu, desiderio incipiebant flagrare, ut redirent in suas cameras, dicentes quod summam ibi delectationem habeant, quia varietates tantum delectant, nec possibile est, ut aliud sciant, quam quod tale sit; dicunt cum asseveratione nunc, quod tale sit, quod etiam possum affirmare, sed ita, quod imaginatio tam viva sit, qua repraesentantur ea, nam similia quammultoties mihi visa, clausis oculis, in sua luce, prorsus ut diurna, sic ut mihi nihil familiarius factum, imo ita, ut omnia quaecunque sunt in interiore sphaera, ita ad vivum ostendi queant, ut nihil prorsus differat; imo scripturae prorsus ante oculos poni, ut legere scripturam sicut in aperto libro queam, et hoc in vigilia, cum vivo sermone cum spiritibus simul. 1748, 19 Febr.

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