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《灵界经历》 第913节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 913

913. About those who depict the funnel 1in the brain

First a face appeared to me at the top of a sky blue window, which soon withdrew inside; then a little star appeared in the vicinity of my left eye; presently, farther away from me and higher up, some tiny little stars, twinkling. These were spiritual stars, because they sparkled with white (som brillianter 2). Then I saw walls, but not a roof, the walls being only at the left side, then a starry sky, with many stars. Because this was at a somewhat lower location, on a level with my arm, and near the quarter where treacherous spirits are, I was thinking that something horrible would meet my sight. But soon the wall and the sky vanished, and a well appeared to me, out of which issued what seemed like a bright mist, or vapor, like a hardly visible smoke. It also seemed as if some substance was being pumped out of the well.


1. The Latin word, "infundibulum," is also the English term.

2. Swedish for "like diamonds."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 913


First, above an azure window a face was seen by me, which presently withdrew within. Then also were seen small stars about the region of the left eye, and soon afterwards a number of very small glittering stars at a great distance from me and high up. These were spiritual stars, for they sparkled with a white light (like brilliants). 1I was then shown walls but no roof; the walls were only on the left side. Presently was seen the starry heaven with many stars; and because it was in a part somewhat lower, on a level with the arm and around the quarter where are the deceitful, I supposed there was something horrible that would be presented to my sight. But soon afterwards the wall and the sky disappeared, and a well appeared to me, from which went something like a bright mist or vapour, like smoke which is hardly seen. It also seemed as if something was being pumped out of the well.


1. The MS. has (som brillianter) in Swedish, meaning like finely cut diamonds or brilliants.

Experientiae Spirituales 913 (original Latin 1748-1764)

913. De iis, qui repraesentant infundibulum in cerebro

Facies quaedam supra fenestram coeruleam mihi primum apparuit, quae mox se recepit intus, tunc mihi apparuit stellula circa regionem oculi sinistri, mox stellulae aliquot parvulae rutilantes, longius a me, et superius, quae erant stellulae spirituales, quia coruscabant albe (som brillianter 1); tunc 2

visi mihi sunt parietes, sed non tectum, parietes modo a sinistro latere, mox coelum stelliferum, cum, pluribus stellis, et quia erat a parte fere inferiori seu in plano cum brachio, et circa eam plagam, ubi dolosi, putabam aliquid tetrum esse, quod mihi videndum objiceretur, sed mox disparuit paries et coelum, ac apparuit mihi puteus, e quo sicut candidus nimbus seu vapor prodiit, sic fumus vix apparens, videbatur etiam quasi aliquid exantlaretur ex puteo.

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