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《灵界经历》 第915节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 915

915. So that it might be plain to me what those spirits are like who constitute the province of that funnel in the heavenly body, there was a company of them, acting as one person. He heard me speaking, and [although] I did not manage to speak with him, nevertheless he either applied to himself whatever was said, thinking it was being said about him, or he became indignant, constantly scurrying toward me and away from me - in imitation of that fluid in the ventricle, which is constantly being driven back and forth from the vertex to that horn of the funnel. They are quite impatient and cannot be held down, are quick, attentive to details. Whether they are bound by definite principles, cannot be determined. Thus they are also among the inward excremental materials - cowardly, inconsistent, suspicious.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 915

915. In order that the quality of those who constitute the province of the infundibulum in the heavenly body might be made evident to me, there was a society of them which, as a single spirit, heard me speaking. Though it did not happen for me to speak with him, yet he either applied to himself whatever was said, supposing that it was said of him, or he became indignant, continually running toward me and to a distance away from me, in imitation of that flux in the ventricle, which is continually being carried to and fro from its vertex to its horn. These spirits are very impatient, and cannot be pinned down. Being quick they pay attention to particulars. As to whether they are bound to definite principles this cannot be supposed. Thus they are among interior excrementitious parts, are faint-hearted, inconstant, and suspicious.

Experientiae Spirituales 915 (original Latin 1748-1764)

915. Ut constaret mihi, quales illi sunt, qui infundibuli provinciam in coelesti corpore constituunt, societas eorum erat, sicut unus, qui me audivit loquentem, et cum quo non loqui mihi contigit, sed usque ille quicquid dicebatur, vel ad se adplicabat, et putabat de se dici, vel indignabatur, discurrendo jugiter ad me et procul a me, ad imitationem istius fluoris qui in ventriculis est 1

, qui a vertice ad cornu istud jugiter defertur cis et retro; admodum impatientes sunt, nec figi possunt, faciles, ad singula attendunt; num certis principiis teneantur, non autumari potest, sic sunt etiam inter partes excrementitias interiores, pusillanimi, inconstantes, suspiciosi.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has sunt

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