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《灵界经历》 第916节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 916

916. Now such spirits, and others also, since they are organs, relate to the same organs in the human body, but the fluids of the internal organs reflect the elements in us such as our reasonings, fantasies, and the like, which behave in the same way, activating us and making our life. However, there is a life deeper than those fluids, for they have vital substances stored up within them, which are liberated whenever they are to serve some use. 1748, 21 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 916

916. Such spirits, however, and also others, being themselves organs, relate to the same organs in the human body; but the fluids of the viscera are the things which are in such a man, as his reasonings, phantasies and the like, which being similarly circumstanced, move him and constitute his life. Still there is interior life in these fluids, for things of vitality are stored up within them and are set free wherever they will perform some use. 1748, Feb. 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 916 (original Latin 1748-1764)

916. Verum tales aliique, quia organa sunt, referunt eadem organa in corpore humano 1

, sed fluida viscerum sunt ea in tali homine, quae eorum ratiocinia, phantasiae, ac similia, quae similiter se habent, moventque eum, et constituunt ejus vitam; sed usque iis interior datur vita, nam fluida talia in se recondunt vitalia, quae inde exsolvuntur, ubi usum prae stabunt. 1748, 21 Febr.


1. nisi legeris humana

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