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《灵界经历》 第919节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 919

919. Their lot after life is restless. They can have no peace, and they are also annoying to others; wherefore they must by all means be brought back, through suitable anxieties, into better states.

919. 1/2. Those discussed here are of the sort that is intermediate between the good lymph and the waste lymph of the brain. Relating to the waste lymph, are those who draw spiritual truths down into earthly things and thereby defile them, so that they end up in filth, as has just been shown to me. These are in front at a distance, rather high up, at the right side of the nose. They have the habit of taking spiritual and heavenly truths, and drawing them down toward earthly filth.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 919

919. After life the lot of these spirits is restless. They can have no peace. Moreover, they are troublesome to others, and so by suitable anxieties must by all means be reduced into better states.

919 1/2. Those of whom we have treated are spirits of a middle sort, between the good lymph of the brain and the excrementitious. Those who relate to the excrementitious fluids are spirits who draw spiritual truths down to things earthly and there so defile them, that they terminate in things filthy, as is now shown me. These are in front at a distance higher up, at the right side of the nose. They take spiritual and celestial truths and draw them down to filthy earthly things.

Experientiae Spirituales 919 (original Latin 1748-1764)

919. Sors eorum est irrequieta post vitam, nullam pacem possunt habere, aliis quoque molesti, sic omnino redigendi per convenientes anxietates, in status meliores.

919a. De quibus actum, sunt mediae sortis, inter bonam lympham cerebri, et inter excrementitiam; qui excrementitia referunt, sunt ii qui spirituales veritates deducunt in terrestria, et ibi conspurcant illas, sic ut terminentur in spurca, sicut nunc mihi ostensum; ii antrorsum ad distantiam superius ad dextram partem nasi sunt. Sumunt veritates spirituales et coelestes, et deducunt deorsum ad terrestria spurca, ex usu 1



1. us ex usu quod terrestria spi- quare forte delendum

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