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《灵界经历》 第920节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 920

920. Those who relate to bones, on which vital motions come to rest as on their fulcrums

There are some in bodily life, or after bodily life in the other life as well, who, for special reasons, think only in a general manner, or do not keep their thought directed toward anything definite. Thus they are withdrawn, as if they were not in the body.

Spirits of this kind brought to me a similar general mental image, without objects to which the thought might be directed. Such are those who relate to bones in man. They are also slow and dull-witted, nor can anything become fixed in their memory, nor, consequently, drawn forth from it, except in a focussed state.

There is in them not only a sluggishness in performing their functions, but also an inertia in coming to judgment and action - yet no disquietude. For worries do not really penetrate [to them], but disperse so to speak into a generality, and pass away. And they are not malicious.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 920


There are some in the life of the body, and also in the other life after the life of the body, who, from causes in themselves, think only in a general manner, or do not have their thought determined to any definite thing; thus they are as distracted as though they were not in the body. Such spirits have induced upon me a similar general idea, without any objects to which the thought might be determined. Such are those who relate to the bones in man. They are also slow and dull-witted nor can anything be fixed in their memory except in a determinate state, consequently neither can anything be brought forth therefrom. 1748, Feb. 21.

There is with them not only a sluggishness in their employments, but also a dullness in judging and acting. Still, there is nothing intranquil; for cares do not penetrate, being dissipated as it were into a general idea and perishing. They are not malicious.

Experientiae Spirituales 920 (original Latin 1748-1764)

920. Qui ossa referunt, in quae vitales motus ut in sua hypomochlia terminantur

Sunt quidam in vita corporis, aut etiam post vitam corporis in altera vita, ex causis suis, communiter solum cogitantes, seu [qui] non habent cogitationem determinatam ad quoddam certum, ita usque distracti, sicut non in corpore, tales mihi similem induxerunt ideam communem, absque objectis, in quae cogitatio determinata esset, tales sunt, qui 1

ossa in homine referunt, sunt quoque lenti, ac ingenii hebetis, nec nisi quam in statu determinato aliquid eorum memoriae infigi potest, proinde nec ab ea depromi. 1748, 21 Febr.

Est penes eos non solum tarditas in eorum muneribus sed etiam torpor in judicandis, agendisque, usque non intranquillum, quia curae non ita penetrant, quasi dissipantur in communem ideam, et pereunt 2

; nec sunt malitiosi.


1. The Manuscript has quae

2. The Manuscript has perit

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