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《灵界经历》 第967节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 967

967. The Tongue belongs to the spiritual and heavenly parts

By a vivid experience, it has become known to me that the Tongue belongs as well to the spiritual as the heavenly regions, and that through it a passage stands open in both directions, namely, from the spiritual to the heavenly, and the reverse, on which account also it is at the forefront of both the lungs and the cardiac system. This appears more clearly from the double function of the tongue, in that it belongs to spiritual parts through speech, and to heavenly parts through taste; so that those who constitute the province of the Tongue are the kind through whose midst one passes from spiritual to heavenly regions. 1748, 24 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 967


By living experience it was made known to me that the tongue pertains to spiritual and also to celestial things, and that by means of it a passage is open to the one and the other, namely, from the spiritual to the celestial, and conversely. The tongue, therefore, presides over both the lungs and the viscera of the heart. This is more clearly evident from its double function, in that it pertains to spiritual things by speech, and to celestial things by taste. Thus those who constitute the province of the tongue are such that through them there is a passage from spiritual things to celestial. 1748, Feb. 24.

Experientiae Spirituales 967 (original Latin 1748-1764)

967. Quod Lingua ad spiritualia et coelestia pertineat

Per vivam experientiam mihi cognitum est, quod Lingua ad spiritualia ut et ad coelestia pertineat, et quod per eam pateat utrinque transitus, nempe a spirituali ad coeleste, tum vicissim; ideo quoque praeest tam pulmonibus quam visceribus cordis, quod melius constat ex duplici ejus functione, quod ad spiritualia pertineat per loquelam, et ad coelestia per gustum, sic ut ii qui provinciam Linguae constituunt, sint tales, ut a spiritualibus per eos transeatur ad coelestia. 1748, 24 Febr.

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