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《灵界经历》 第966节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 966

966. The suprarenal glands, then, draw toward themselves the fluid of the [animate] spirits, or of the purer blood. They do this by fixing their inner sight on the elements that are not so grossly unclean, but inwardly unclean - they attract them because they fix their inner sight on them, and thereby the purer elements, freed of them, are raised up unimpaired, and so on.

This method is one of the cherubim, [guarding] lest the more unclean things should reach the Lord; so that He in His Divinity may thus be in the heavenly and spiritual regions, and from these as from centers, rule the universe. 1748, 24 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 966

966. Thus by keeping their gaze fixed upon the things which are not so grossly impure, the succenturiate kidneys draw to themselves those that are interiorly impure; for they fix the serum of the spirits or of the purer blood, so that the purer things, liberated by them, may thus be carried away undefiled, and so forth. This method is the method of the cherubim, to the end that the more impure things do not come to the Lord; so that He may be in things celestial and spiritual as He is in things Divine, and from them, as from centers, may govern the universe. 1748, Feb. 24.

Experientiae Spirituales 966 (original Latin 1748-1764)

966. Renes succenturiati ad se trahunt sic per 1

intuitum fixum in iis quae non ita crasse immunda sunt, sed interius immunda-attrahunt 2

, quia figunt, serum spirituum seu purioris sanguinis, sic ut puriora iis liberata auferantur, sic illibata, ac sic porro, hic modus est unus cheruborum, ne immundiora 3

ad Dominum perveniant; sic ut in Divinis, ita in coelestibus et spiritualibus sit, et ab iis ut a centris regat universum. 1748, 24 Febr.


1. The Manuscript has sic per

2. The Manuscript has immunda, attrahunt

3. The Manuscript has imundiora

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