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《灵界经历》 第990节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 990

990. Later those spirits did speak with me, but they spoke as one spirit. He told me that he had known and been able to speak several languages, as they did in the very early Church [see 972q/s] he wanted explain how this was done- which he did, convincingly. But whether it was right, I am doubtful. He behaved in this way because these spirits want know all things are eager explain them in terms of their illusions. They convince themselves that they are right. So they are the type of people who imagine they know the causes of all things are convinced therefore believe that they came about in that way.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 990

990. These spirits afterwards spoke with me; but they spoke as a single person who reported to me that he had known and been able to speak in various tongues, as in the primitive church, and he wanted to explain how it was done. This he also said, and with persuasion, but I am doubtful whether it was so. He was of this nature, because these spirits want to know all things, and are eager to explain them according to their own phantasies, persuading themselves that it is so. Wherefore they are of that type of men who suppose that they know the causes of all things, and so are persuaded and believe in their existence.

Experientiae Spirituales 990 (original Latin 1748-1764)

990. Postea mecum loquuti sunt ii spiritus, sed sicut unus, et mihi proponebat, quod novisset et potuisset variis linguis loqui, sicut in primitiva Ecclesia [cf. [972]] modum voluit exponere, quomodo id factum, dixit quoque [eo] persuasit, sed num ita fuerit, dubito; quod talis fuerit, inde fit, quia omnia scire volunt cupiunt explicare secundum suas phantasias sibi persuadent quod ita sit, quare tale genus hominum sunt, qui putant se omnium causas scire sic persuadentur de existentia, seu sic credunt.

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