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《灵界经历》 第993节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 993

993. It is similar with those who constitute the province of the large intestine, who are hellish, and also swollen up-nor do they like the possibility of being frightened. These spirits, puffed up like the colon with its gas, wanted to attack him, and jump over their wall, but a new wall was always put in the way so that they could not get at him.

It is the same in the human body in regard to the large intestine and the peritoneum, and also the bladder and the peritoneum, as well as the ureters and peritoneum. These organs are enfolded and restrained by the peritoneum and kept in compliance, while it casts unclean elements, the phlegm, into the ureters.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 993

993. Those who constitute the province of the colon are similar. They are infernal and also inflated, and they do not want to be able to be terrified. They are inflated like the colon swollen with wind. They wanted to attack that spirit [of the peritoneum, n. 990, and wanted to leap over their wall, but a new wall was always interposed, so that they were unable to attack him. In the human body it is the same with the colon and the peritoneum, also with the bladder and the peritoneum, and with the ureters and the peritoneum. These viscera lie within the folds of the peritoneum, and are castigated and held in subservience; but it casts out the impurities or phlegms to the ureters.

Experientiae Spirituales 993 (original Latin 1748-1764)

993. Similiter ii qui provinciam intestini colonis 1

{a} constituunt, qui infernales sunt, ac tumidi, nec se terreri posse cupiunt, ii animosi, sicut colon suo vento, eum volebant impugnare, et exsultare suo pariete volebant, sed semper novus paries objiciebatur, sic ut eum aggredi non potuerint, similiter 2

se res habet in corpore humano, cum colo intestino et peritonaeo, tum cum vesica et peritoneo, cumque ureteribus et peritonaeo, quae in duplicaturis ejus sunt, et castigantur, tenenturque in obsequio, sed ureteribus projicit immunda seu pituitas.


1. The Manuscript has colon

2. The Manuscript has simililiter

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