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《新耶路撒冷教义之圣经篇》 第106节



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Sacred Scripture (Dole translation 2014) 106

106. The light is greatest in the central area where the Christians who have the Word are. The explanation is that in the heavens, light is the divine truth that radiates from the Lord as heaven’s sun; and since the Word is that truth, we find the most light where we find the people who have the Word.

From there, the light spreads outward from its center, so to speak, to all the surrounding areas, all the way to the boundary, so there is also enlightenment from the Word for nations and peoples outside the church.

On the light in the heavens being the divine truth that radiates from the Lord, and on that light being what gives enlightenment not only to angels but also to us, see Heaven and Hell 126-140.

Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture (Rogers translation 2014) 106

106. The greatest light is found in the middle where those Christians are who possess the Word, for light in the heavens is Divine truth emanating from the Lord as the sun there; and because the Word is that Divine truth, the greatest light is found where those people are who possess the Word.

From there as from its center, the light radiates out to all the surrounding areas, even to the outmost periphery. This is the source of the enlightenment of nations and peoples not in the church — also by means of the Word.

To be shown that the light in the heavens is Divine truth emanating from the Lord, and that the light makes possible the ability to understand, not only on the part of angels, but also on the part of people, see the book Heaven and Hell 126-140.

Doctrine of Sacred Scripture (Dick translation) 106

106. There is the greatest light in the centre where are the Christians who have the Word; for light in the heavens is Divine Truth proceeding from the Lord as the Sun there; and because the Word is that Truth, the greatest light is where those are who have the Word. Light thence as from its centre spreads around to all the boundaries, even to the outermost; and consequently nations and peoples outside the Church also receive enlightenment through the Word. It may be seen in HEAVEN AND HELL 126-140, that light in the heavens is Divine Truth proceeding from the Lord, and that this light gives intelligence not only to angels but also to men.

Doctrine of the Holy Scripture (Potts translation 1904) 106

106. The greatest light is in this middle region where are the Christians who possess the Word; for light in the heavens is Divine truth that proceeds from the Lord as the sun there; and as the Word is this Divine truth, the light is greatest where dwell those who possess the Word. From this region as from its proper center, the light propagates itself from one compass to another even to the uttermost of them; and in this way comes the enlightening, by means of the Word, of all the nations and peoples that are outside the church. That the light in the heavens is Divine truth which proceeds from the Lord, and that this light confers intelligence not only on angels but also on men, may be seen in Heaven and Hell (n. 126-140).

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra 106 (original Latin 1763)

106. In meditullio, ubi sunt Christiani quibus est Verbum, est maxima lux; lux enim in caelis est Divinum Verum procedens a Domino ut Sole ibi; et quia Verbum est illud, est maxima lux ubi sunt illi quibus est Verbum. Lux inde ut a suo centro se propagat circum in omnes peripherias usque ad ultimam; inde est illustratio gentium et populorum extra ecclesiam etiam per Verbum. Quod lux in caelis sit Divinum Verum procedens a Domino, et quod illa lux det intelligentiam non modo angelis, sed etiam hominibus, videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 126-140).

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