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《新耶路撒冷教义之圣经篇》 第107节



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Sacred Scripture (Dole translation 2014) 107

107. We can conclude that this is characteristic of the whole heaven on the basis of a similar phenomenon in each community there. This is because every community of heaven is a heaven in smaller form and is also like a human being (on this, see Heaven and Hell 41-86).

In every community of heaven, the people in the middle similarly serve as heart and lungs and are the ones who have the most light. From that middle, that same light and consequent perception of what is true spread in all directions to the boundaries and therefore to everyone in the community. This is what makes their spiritual life.

I have been shown that when the people in the middle went away - the ones who made up the province of the heart and lungs and who had the most light - the people around them were in darkness and had a perception of what was true that was so slight as to be nearly nonexistent. As soon as the others came back, though, the light reappeared and they had their former perception of what was true.

Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture (Rogers translation 2014) 107

107. That such is the case throughout the whole of heaven may be concluded from a similar one in each society there, for every society in heaven is a heaven in smaller form, and is also like a person. The reality of this may be seen in the book Heaven and Hell 41-87.

In every society in heaven, the angels who are at its center likewise relate to the heart and lungs, and they possess the greatest light. This light and its accompanying perception of truth radiate out in every direction from the center to the surrounding areas, thus to all the rest of the people in the society, and make possible their spiritual life.

I have been shown that when the people who were at the center, who formed the region of the heart and lungs and who therefore possessed the greatest light, were removed, those who lived round about were left in comparative darkness, and that they then had such a weak perception of truth as to have scarcely any. But as soon as those at the center returned, their light reappeared as before, and they recovered their former perception of truth.

Doctrine of Sacred Scripture (Dick translation) 107

107. That this is true of heaven as a whole may be concluded from the fact that a like state prevails in every society there; for every society is a heaven on a small scale, and is also in the human form. This may be seen in HEAVEN AND HELL 41-87. In every society of heaven those who are in the centre in like manner represent the heart and lungs; and they enjoy the greatest light. This light, with the consequent perception of truth, diffuses itself from centre to circumference in every direction, thus reaching all in the society and giving rise to their spiritual life. It was shown me that when those in the centre, who constitute the province of the heart and lungs and with whom light was greatest, were removed, those round about them experienced obscurity, and their perception of truth became so feeble as to be hardly appreciable. As soon, however, as the others returned, light reappeared and their former perception of truth was restored.

Doctrine of the Holy Scripture (Potts translation 1904) 107

107. That this is the case in the universal heaven may be inferred from the similar conditions that prevail in each of the heavenly societies; for every society of heaven is a heaven in a smaller form, and is also like a man. That such is the case may be seen in Heaven and Hell (n. 41-87). In each society of heaven also, those in the center correspond to the heart and lungs, and they possess the greatest light. This light, and the consequent perception of truth, propagates itself from that center toward the successive circuits in every direction, thus to all in the society, and it makes their spiritual life. It has been shown that when those in the center who constituted the province of the heart and lungs and possessed the greatest light, were taken away, those around them came into shadow, and into a perception of truth so scanty as to be almost none; but as soon as the others came back, the light reappeared, and they had perception of truth the same as before.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra 107 (original Latin 1763)

107. Quod tale sit in universo caelo, concludi potest a simili in unaquavis societate ibi; nam unaquaevis societas caeli est caelum in minore forma, et quoque est sicut homo: quod ita sit, videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 41-87). In omni societate caeli, illi qui in medio ejus sunt, similiter referunt cor et pulmonem; et apud illos est maxima lux. Ipsa lux, et inde perceptio veri, a medio illo se propagat versus peripherias quaquaversum, ita ad omnes qui in societate sunt, et facit vitam illorum spiritualem. Ostensum est, quod quando illi qui in medio erant, qui provinciam cordis et pulmonum constituebant, et apud quos maxima lux erat, auferrentur, illi qui circum erant, in umbra essent, et tunc in tam exili perceptione veri, ut vix in aliqua; sed mox ut redierunt, visa est lux et fuit illis perceptio veri sicut prius.

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