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《新耶路撒冷教义之圣经篇》 第110节



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Sacred Scripture (Dole translation 2014) 110

110. We can tell from this that the Word that is found in the Protestant church enlightens all nations and peoples by means of a spiritual communication, and that the Lord provides that there should always be a church on earth where the Word is read and the Lord is known through it.

So when the Word was virtually cast out by Catholics, divine providence brought about the Reformation, and this meant that the Word was accepted again. Providence also ensured that the Word is regarded as holy by one noble Catholic nation.

Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture (Rogers translation 2014) 110

110. It can be seen from this that the Word found in Reformed or Protestant churches enlightens all nations and people by a spiritual communication. Also that the Lord provides that there always be in the world a church where the Word is read, and where the Lord is consequently known.

Therefore, when Roman Catholics had almost cast the Word aside, of the Lord’s Divine providence the Protestant Reformation took place, so that the Word was again received. And it was also provided that the Word be regarded as holy by a noble nation among the Catholic countries.

Doctrine of Sacred Scripture (Dick translation) 110

110. From these considerations it may be evident that the Word as it is in the Church of the Reformed, enlightens all nations and peoples by spiritual communication; and further, that the Lord provides that there should always be on earth a Church where the Word is read, and the Lord thereby made known. When therefore the Word was almost totally rejected by the Romish Church, through the Divine Providence of the Lord the Reformation took place, in consequence of which the Word was again received. It was also provided that the Word should be regarded as holy by an eminent nation among the Roman Catholics.

Doctrine of the Holy Scripture (Potts translation 1904) 110

110. From all this it is evident that the Word which exists in the Church of the Reformed enlightens all nations and peoples by a spiritual communication; and also that it is provided by the Lord that there shall always be a church on earth where the Word is read, and where consequently the Lord is known. It was for this reason that when the Word had been almost completely rejected by the Papists, of the Lord's Divine Providence the Reformation was brought about, whereby the Word was again received, as also that the Word is accounted holy by a notable nation among the Papists.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra 110 (original Latin 1763)

110. Ex his constare potest quod Verbum, quod est in Ecclesia Reformatorum, illustret omnes gentes et populos per communicationem spiritualem: tum quod provideatur a Domino, ut in tellure semper sit ecclesia, ubi Verbum legitur, et per id Dominus notus est. Quare cum Verbum a Pontificiis paene rejectum erat, ex Divina Domini providentia facta est Reformatio, et inde Verbum iterum receptum est: et quoque quod sanctum habeatur Verbum a nobili gente inter Pontificios.

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