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《新耶路撒冷教义之圣经篇》 第113节



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Sacred Scripture (Dole translation 2014) 113

113. I have been granted an abundance of experience that has taught me that there is a communication with heaven for us through the Word. When I was reading through the Word from the first chapter of Isaiah to the last of Malachi and the Psalms of David, I was given a clear sense that every verse communicated with a specific community of heaven, and that in this way the whole Word communicated with the entire heaven.

Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture (Rogers translation 2014) 113

113. Through a good deal of experience I have been given to know that the Word is the means by which a person has a communication with heaven. When I read the Word from the first chapter of Isaiah to the last chapter of Malachi, and the Psalms of David, I was given to clearly perceive that each verse communicated with some society in heaven, and so the whole Word with the whole of heaven.

Doctrine of Sacred Scripture (Dick translation) 113

113. It has been granted me to know from much experience that man has communication with heaven by means of the Word. When I was reading through the Word from the first chapter of Isaiah to the last of Malachi, and the Psalms of David, it was granted me to perceive clearly that every verse communicated with some society in heaven, and that in this way the entire Word communicated with the whole of heaven.

Doctrine of the Holy Scripture (Potts translation 1904) 113

113. It has been given me to know by much experience that by means of the Word man has communication with heaven. While I read the Word through from the first chapter of Isaiah to the last of Malachi, and the Psalms of David, I was permitted clearly to perceive that each verse communicated with some society of heaven, and thus the whole Word with the universal heaven.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra 113 (original Latin 1763)

113. Per multam experientiam mihi scire datum est, quod per Verbum sit homini communicatio cum caelo. Dum perlegi Verbum a primo capite Esaiae usque ad ultimum Malachiae, et Psalmos Davidis, datum est clare percipere quod unusquisque versus communicaret cum aliqua societate caeli, et quod sic totum Verbum cum universo caelo.

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