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《新耶路撒冷教义之圣经篇》 第117节



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Sacred Scripture (Dole translation 2014) 117

117. As for the fact that there has been religion from the earliest times and that people all over the world have known about God and have known something about life after death, this did not come from the people themselves and from their own mental acuity, but from that former Word discussed in Daniel 2:31-35.

It is also common knowledge that Islam, which came later and wiped out the preceding religious cultures of many nations, was drawn from the Word of both Testaments.

Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture (Rogers translation 2014) 117

117. Religion has existed from ancient times, and the inhabitants of the world have everywhere known of the existence of God, and something of the life after death, not on their own or owing to their own acumen, but from the Ancient Word (as discussed above, nos. Daniel 2:31-35.

People also know that the Muslim religion which followed, and which destroyed many peoples’ earlier religions, was derived from the Word of both Testaments.

Doctrine of Sacred Scripture (Dick translation) 117

117. Religion has existed from the most ancient times, and the inhabitants of the world everywhere have had a knowledge of God, and some knowledge of a life after death. This has not originated from themselves or their own intelligence, but from the Ancient Word mentioned above Nos. 101-103; and in later times from the Israelitish Word. From these two Words forms of religion spread to the Indies and their Islands, through Egypt and Ethiopia to the kingdoms of Africa, from the maritime parts of Asia to Greece, and thence to Italy. However, as the Word could only be written by representatives, that is, by such things in the world as correspond to and signify heavenly things, therefore religion with many nations was turned into idolatry, and in Greece into mythology. Divine attributes and properties were turned into so many gods, and over these men set one supreme deity whom they called Jove from Jehovah; while it is well known that they had some conception of Paradise, some knowledge of the Flood, the sacred fire, and the four ages from the first or golden age to the last or iron age, by which in the Word are signified the four states of the Church as described in Daniel 2:31-35. It is also known that the Mohammedan religion, which succeeded and destroyed the former religious systems of many nations, was taken from the Word of both Testaments.

Doctrine of the Holy Scripture (Potts translation 1904) 117

117. That from the most ancient times there has been religion, and that everywhere the inhabitants of the world have had knowledge of God, and have known something about a life after death, has not originated in themselves or their own penetration, but from the Ancient Word (spoken of above, n. 101-103), and, at a later period, from the Israelitish Word. From these two Words the things of religion have spread into the Indies and their islands, and through Egypt and Ethiopia into the kingdoms of Africa, and from the maritime parts of Asia into Greece, and from thence into Italy. But as the Word could not be written in any other way than by means of representatives, which are such things in this world as correspond to heavenly things, and therefore signify them, the things of religion among many of the nations were turned into idolatry, and in Greece into fables, and the Divine attributes and predicates into so many gods, over whom they set one supreme, whom they called "Jove" 1fro Daniel 2:31-35). It is also known that the Mohammedan religion, which came later and destroyed the former religions of many nations, was taken from the Word of both Testaments.


1. Perhaps; see True Christian Religion, n. 275. [Translator]

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra 117 (original Latin 1763)

117. Quod ab antiquissimis temporibus fuerit religio, et incolae orbis ubivis noverint de Deo, et aliquid de vita post mortem, non fuit ex ipsis, et ex proprio illorum acumine, sed ex Verbo Vetusto (de quo supra, 101-103), et postea ex Verbo Israelitico. Ex his religiosa emanaverunt in Indias et illarum insulas; perque Aegyptum ac Aethiopiam in regna Africae; et ex maritimis Asiae in Graeciam; et inde in Italiam. Sed quia Verbum non potuit aliter quam per repraesentativa esse conscriptum, quae sunt talia in mundo quae correspondent caelestibus et inde significant illa, ideo religiosa plurium gentium versa sunt in idolatrica, et in Graecia in fabulosa; ac attributa et praedicata Divina in totidem Deos, quibus praefecerunt supremum, quem vocaverunt Jovem (forte 1) a Jehovah. Quod illis cognitio fuerit de paradiso, de diluvio, de igne sacro, de quatuor aetatibus, a prima aurea ad ultimam ferream, per quas in Verbo significantur quatuor status ecclesiae, (ut apud Danielem, Danielem 2:31-35), notum est. Quod religiosum Mahumedanum, quod successit, et religiosa plurium gentium priora delevit, ex Verbo utriusque Testamenti desumptum sit, etiam notum est.


1. forte:- sic Vera Christiana Religio 275

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