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《新耶路撒冷教义之圣经篇》 第31节



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Sacred Scripture (Dole translation 2014) 31

31. It was noted in 6, 19 above that there are three levels of meaning in the Word and that the heavenly meaning is its first level, the spiritual meaning its intermediate level, and the earthly meaning its last level. This enables anyone who thinks rationally to conclude that the first level of the Word, the heavenly, works through its intermediate, which is the spiritual, to the last level, which is the earthly. We can also conclude that the last level is therefore a foundation. We can conclude further that the first level (the heavenly) is within the intermediate level (the spiritual), and through this in the last level (the earthly), which means that the last level (the earthly), which is the literal meaning of the Word, is a container; and since it is a container and a foundation, it is also a support.

Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture (Rogers translation 2014) 31

31. In nos. 6 and 19 above, we said that the Word has in it three levels of meaning, and that the celestial sense is its first level, the spiritual sense its intermediate level, and the natural sense its lowest level. From this a rational person may conclude that the Word’s first level, which is celestial, progresses through its intermediate level, which is spiritual, to its lowest level, which is natural, thus that its lowest level is the foundation. He may conclude as well that its first level, which is celestial, is present in its intermediate level, which is spiritual, and present through this in its lowest level, which is natural; and therefore that its lowest level, which is natural and is the Word’s literal sense, is the containing vessel. And because it is the containing vessel and foundation, that it is also the buttress.

Doctrine of Sacred Scripture (Dick translation) 31

31. It was stated above in Nos. 6, 19, that there are three senses in the Word; also, that the celestial sense is its first sense, the spiritual its middle sense, and the natural its last or lowest sense. Hence, the rational man may conclude that the first of the Word or the celestial, passes through its middle or the spiritual, to its last or the natural; and that thus its last is the basis. Also, that its first or the celestial is in its middle or the spiritual, and by means of this is in its last or the natural; and consequently that its last or the natural, which is the sense of the Letter of the Word, is the containant; and because it is the containant and the basis, it is also the support.

Doctrine of the Holy Scripture (Potts translation 1904) 31

31. It has been said above (n. 6 (Doctrine of Sacred Scripture 6, 19) that there are three senses in the Word; and also that the celestial sense is its first, the spiritual sense its middle, and the natural sense its ultimate sense. From this the rational man may infer that the first of the Word, which is celestial, passes through its middle, which is spiritual, to its ultimate, which is natural; and thus that its ultimate is the Basis. Furthermore that the first of the Word, which is celestial, is in its middle, which is spiritual, and through this is in its ultimate, which is natural, and that consequently its ultimate, which is natural and is the sense of the letter, is the container. And as the sense of the letter is the basis and the container, it is also the Support.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra 31 (original Latin 1763)

31. Quod in Verbo tres sensus sint, supra (6 et 19,) dictum est; tum quod sensus caelestis sit primus ejus, sensus spiritualis medius ejus, et sensus naturalis ultimus ejus. Inde homo rationalis concludere potest quod primum Verbi, quod est caeleste, vadat per medium ejus quod est spirituale, ad ultimum ejus quod est naturale; et quod sic ultimum ejus sit basis: tum quod primum ejus, quod est caeleste, sit in medio ejus quod est spirituale, et per hoc in ultimo ejus quod est naturale: et quod inde ultimum ejus, quod est naturale, et est sensus litterae Verbi, sit continens: et quia est continens, et basis, quod etiam sit firmamentum.

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