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《新耶路撒冷教义之圣经篇》 第58节



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Sacred Scripture (Dole translation 2014) 58

58. The reason the Word shines or glows for them is that there is spiritual and heavenly meaning in the details of the Word, and these meanings are in heaven’s light. So through these meanings and through their light the Lord flows into the earthly meaning and into its light for us. As a result, we recognize what is true because of an inner perception that enables us to see it in our thinking. This happens whenever we desire the truth because it is true. So this desire gives rise to perception and this perception gives rise to thought; the result is the acknowledgment we refer to as faith.

I need to say more about this, though, in the next chapter, on the Lord’s union with us through the Word [62-69].

Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture (Rogers translation 2014) 58

58. The Word shines and is translucent with them because every particular in the Word contains in it a spiritual and celestial sense, and these senses exist in the light of heaven. Consequently the Lord flows through these senses and their light into the natural sense and its light in a person. As a result, the person acknowledges truth from an inner perception, and so sees it in his thought, and this whenever he is prompted by an affection for truth because it is true. For perception springs from affection, and thought from perception, and this produces the acknowledgment we call faith.

But we will say more on this subject in the next section on the conjunction of the Lord with a person by means of the Word.

Doctrine of Sacred Scripture (Dick translation) 58

58. The Word is lucid and transparent with them, because there is a spiritual as well as a celestial sense in every part of it, and these senses are in the light of heaven. Therefore, by means of these senses and their light, the Lord flows into the natural sense and into the light of this sense with man. Consequently, a man acknowledges the truth from an interior perception, and afterwards sees it in his own thought. This happens as often as he is in the affection of truth for its own sake; for perception comes from affection, and thought from perception; and thus arises that acknowledgment which is called faith. On this subject, however, more will be said in the following chapter, concerning the conjunction of the Lord with man by means of the Word.

Doctrine of the Holy Scripture (Potts translation 1904) 58

58. The reason why the Word shines and is translucent with such, is that there is a spiritual and celestial sense in every particular of the Word, and these senses are in the light of heaven, so that through these senses and by their light the Lord flows into the natural sense, and into the light of it with a man. This causes the man to acknowledge the truth from an interior perception, and afterwards to see it in his own thought, and this as often as he is in the affection of truth for the sake of truth. For perception comes from affection, and thought from perception, and thus is produced the acknowledgment which is called faith. But of these things more will be said in the following chapter concerning the conjunction of the Lord with man by means of the Word.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra 58 (original Latin 1763)

58. Quod Verbum apud illos luceat et transluceat, est quia singulis Verbi sensus spiritualis et caelestis inest, et hi sensus sunt in luce caeli; quare Dominus per illos sensus, et per illorum lucem, influit in sensum naturalem, et in hujus lucem apud hominem. Inde homo ex interiore perceptione agnoscit verum, et dein in cogitatione sua videt illud, et hoc quoties in affectione veri propter verum est; ex affectione enim, venit perceptio, ex perceptione cogitatio, et sic fit agnitio, quae fides vocatur. Sed de hac re plura dicentur in sequente articulo de conjunctione Domini cum homine per Verbum.

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