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《新耶路撒冷教义之圣经篇》 第59节



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Sacred Scripture (Dole translation 2014) 59

59. The first task [of those who seek enlightenment when they read the Word] is to put together a body of teaching for themselves from the literal meaning of the Word. That is how they light a lamp in order to go further. Once they have put together a body of teaching and lit the lamp, they see the Word in the light of that lamp.

However, people who have not put together a body of teaching for themselves first look to see whether the theological perspective offered by others and generally accepted does in fact agree with the Word; and they accept what agrees and dissent from what does not. That is how they form their body of teaching, and through their body of teaching, their faith.

This [enlightenment] happens, though, only for people who are able to contemplate things without being distracted by their professional responsibilities in this world. If they love truths because they are true and put them to use in their lives, they have enlightenment from the Lord, and other people whose lives are to any degree guided by truths can learn from them.

Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture (Rogers translation 2014) 59

59. The first step for these people is to acquire for themselves doctrine from the Word’s literal sense. This lights a lamp for them for their further progress. Then after they have acquired some doctrine and have a lamp thus lit, they see the Word in its light.

People who do not acquire doctrine for themselves, however, first inquire whether the doctrine delivered by others and accepted by the general body accords with the Word. And to whatever accords they assent, and from whatever does not accord they dissent. In this way the doctrine becomes their own, and through doctrine their faith.

But this is the case only with people who are not distracted by worldly affairs and have the sight to see. If these people love truths because they are true and apply them to useful life endeavors, they are enlightened by the Lord. All others who live in some measure in accordance with truths can learn from them.

Doctrine of Sacred Scripture (Dick translation) 59

59. With such men the first thing is to procure for themselves doctrine from the literal sense of the Word: thus they light a lamp for their further progress. After doctrine has been procured, however, and the lamp has been thus lit, they see the Word from it. But those who do not procure doctrine for themselves first enquire whether the doctrine given by others and generally received agrees with the Word; and to those things which agree with the Word they assent, but dissent from those which do not agree. In this way their doctrine is formed for them, and by means of the doctrine their faith. However, this takes place only with those who, not being distracted by the affairs of the world, are able to see; and those, if they love truths for their own sake and apply them to the uses of life, are enlightened by the Lord: others whose lives are in some measure regulated by truths can learn from them.

Doctrine of the Holy Scripture (Potts translation 1904) 59

59. With such men the first thing is to get for themselves doctrine from the sense of the letter of the Word, and thus light a lamp for their further advance. Then after doctrine has been procured, and a lamp thus lighted, they see the Word by its means. Those however who do not procure doctrine for themselves, first make investigation as to whether the doctrine delivered by others and received by the general body accords with the Word, and they assent to what accords, and from what does not accord they dissent. In this way it becomes to them their own doctrine, and through doctrine their faith. But this takes place only with those who not being taken up with worldly affairs are able to exercise discernment. If these persons love truths because they are truths, and make them of use for life, they are in enlightenment from the Lord. All others who are in some life according to truths can learn from them.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra 59 (original Latin 1763)

59. Apud hos primum est quod ex Verbi sensu litterali comparent sibi doctrinam: ita accendunt sibi lucernam ad ulteriorem progressum, Postquam autem comparata est doctrina, et sic accensa lucerna, ex illa vident Verbum. Illi autem qui non comparant sibi doctrinam, primum inquirunt num doctrina ab aliis data, et a communi coetu recepta, cum Verbo concordet; et ad illa quae concordant, consentiunt, et ad illa quae non concordant, dissentiunt. Ita fit illis sua doctrina, et per doctrinam sua fides. Sed hoc fit solum apud illos, qui non distracti a negotiis mundi possunt videre; hi, si amant vera quia vera sunt et faciunt illa usus vitae, in illustratione sunt a Domino, Reliqui qui in aliqua vita sunt secundum vera, possunt ab illis discere.

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