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《新耶路撒冷教义之圣经篇》 第65节



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Sacred Scripture (Dole translation 2014) 65

65. I need to explain briefly how this unfolding of meanings happens, but in order to understand it, we need to go back to what was said earlier, in , 6, 38, about sequential arrangement and simultaneous arrangement - namely, that what is heavenly, what is spiritual, and what is earthly follow each other in sequence from the highest things that are in heaven to those things most remote from them in this world, and that in a simultaneous arrangement the same realities are within the most remote, which is the earthly, side by side from the innermost to the outermost. It was also explained [38] that by the same token, the sequential meanings of the Word - the heavenly and the spiritual - are simultaneously present in the earthly meaning.

Once we grasp this, we can begin to understand how the two meanings, the spiritual and the heavenly, are unfolded from the earthly meaning when we are reading the Word. A spiritual angel will call to mind something spiritual and a heavenly angel will call to mind something heavenly. They cannot do otherwise: the meanings have qualities that are similar in type and are in harmony with the angels’ nature and essence.

Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture (Rogers translation 2014) 65

65. Now, however, we must also briefly say how the unfolding of these senses occurs. For this to be understood, it is necessary to recall what we said in nos. 6 and 38 above about sequential order and concurrent order, namely that the celestial, spiritual and natural realms follow in order, one after another, from the highest of them in heaven to the lowest in the world; that in the last realm, which is natural, these same things are present in concurrent order, one adjacent to another, from the inmost of them to the outmost; and that the successive celestial and spiritual senses of the Word are in the same way present at the same time in the natural sense.

When this is comprehended, it can to some extent be explained to the intellect how the two spiritual and celestial senses are unfolded from the natural sense when a person reads the Word. For a spiritual angel then summons up the spiritual sense, and a celestial angel summons up the celestial one. Nor can they do otherwise, for the meanings are of a like character and conform with their nature and essence.

Doctrine of Sacred Scripture (Dick translation) 65

65. I will now also state in a few words how the unfolding of these senses is effected. In order that this may be understood it is necessary to recall what was said above in Nos. 6, 38 concerning successive order and simultaneous order. It was there explained that the Celestial, the Spiritual and the Natural follow one after another in successive order from the highest things which are in heaven to the lowest or ultimate things which are in the world; that these are in the lowest degree, namely, the natural, in simultaneous order, one side by side with another, from what is inmost to what is outmost; and that in like manner the successive senses of the Word, the celestial and the spiritual, are simultaneously in the natural. When these things are comprehended, it may in some measure be explained to the understanding how the two senses, the spiritual and the celestial, are unfolded from the natural sense, when a man is reading the Word. For the spiritual angel then calls forth what is spiritual, and the celestial angel calls forth what is celestial; nor can they do otherwise, for the things are essentially the same, and in harmony with their own essential nature.

Doctrine of the Holy Scripture (Potts translation 1904) 65

65. The way in which the evolution of these senses is effected shall also be told in a few words. But for the understanding of this it will be necessary to recall what has been said above about successive order and simultaneous order, namely, that in successive order what is celestial, what is spiritual, and what is natural follow one after another, from highest things in heaven down to ultimate things in the world, and that the same things are in the ultimate (which is natural) in simultaneous order, one next another from the inmost things to the outermost ones, and that in like manner there are successive senses of the Word, celestial and spiritual, simultaneously in the natural sense. When these things are comprehended, the way in which the two senses, celestial and spiritual, are evolved from the natural sense while a man is reading the Word may in some measure be unfolded before the understanding; for a spiritual angel then calls forth what is spiritual, and a celestial angel what is celestial, nor can they do otherwise, because such things are homogeneous and in accordance with their nature and essence.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra 65 (original Latin 1763)

65. Sed quomodo evolutio illorum sensuum fit, etiam paucis dicetur. Sed ut intelligatur, recolligenda sunt quae 1supra (6, 38) de ordine successivo et de ordine simultaneo dicta sunt; nempe, quod caeleste, spirituale, et naturale sequantur in ordine successivo unum post alterum a supremis quae in caelo sunt ad ultima quae in mundo; et quod eadem in ordine simultaneo sint in ultimo, quod est naturale, unum juxta alterum ab intimis ad extima: et quod similiter sint successivi sensus Verbi, caelestis et spiritualis, simul in naturali. His comprehensis, aliquantum explicari ad intellectum potest, quomodo bini sensus, spiritualis et caelestis, evolvuntur ex sensu naturali, quando homo Verbum legit; tunc enim angelus spiritualis evocat spirituale, et angelus caelestis evocat caeleste; nec aliter possunt, sunt enim homogenea, ac naturae et essentiae illorum consentanea.


1. recolligenda sunt quae pro "recolligendum est quod"

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