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《新耶路撒冷教义之圣经篇》 第66节



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Sacred Scripture (Dole translation 2014) 66

66. First, though, let me illustrate this with comparisons from the three kingdoms of nature, which we refer to as the animal, plant, and mineral kingdoms.

From the animal kingdom: From food, once it has been digested, the blood vessels derive and call forth their blood, the nerve fibers their juice, and the substances that are the sources of the fibers their enlivening spirit.

From the plant kingdom: A tree, with its trunk, branches, leaves, and fruit, is based on its roots, and through its roots draws and calls forth from the ground a coarser sap for the trunk, branches, and leaves, a finer sap for the flesh of its fruit, and the finest for the seeds within the fruit.

From the mineral kingdom: At various locations deep within the earth there are deposits of ore pregnant with gold, silver, and iron. From the hidden gases exhaled by the earth, the gold, silver, and iron each draw their own basic substance.

Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture (Rogers translation 2014) 66

66. But let this be illustrated by analogies taken from the three kingdoms of nature, called the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms.

From the animal kingdom: When food has been turned into chyle, the blood vessels extract and produce from it their blood, the nerve fibers their fluid, and the substances from which the fibers originate their animal spirit.

From the plant kingdom: A tree rests with its trunk, branches, leaves and fruit upon its root system, and through its roots it draws and extracts from the ground its sap — a less refined sap for its trunk, branches and leaves, a purer one for the flesh of its fruit, and a still more refined one for the seeds within the fruit.

From the mineral kingdom: We find in some places in the ground’s embrace minerals infused with gold, silver and iron. From exhalations deep within the earth gold derives its element, silver its element, and iron its element.

Doctrine of Sacred Scripture (Dick translation) 66

66. This may be illustrated first by comparisons from the three kingdoms of nature, namely, the animal, the vegetable and the mineral.

From the animal kingdom: When food has been converted into chyle, the blood-vessels extract from it their blood, the nervous fibres their juices, and the substances which are the origins of fibres, their animal spirit.

From the vegetable kingdom: A tree with trunk, branches, leaves and fruit is supported by its root, by which it draws from the ground a grosser sap for the trunk, branches and leaves, a purer for the fleshy part of the fruit, and the purest for the seeds within the fruit.

From the mineral kingdom: In certain places in the bowels of the earth, there are mineral ores, impregnated with gold, silver and iron; and from exhalations hidden in the earth gold, silver and iron derives each its own element.

Doctrine of the Holy Scripture (Potts translation 1904) 66

66. But this may be illustrated in the first place by comparisons drawn from the three kingdoms of nature: animal, vegetable, and mineral. From the animal kingdom: When the food becomes chyle, the blood vessels extract and call forth from it their blood, the nervous fibers their fluid, and the substances that are the origins of the fibers their animal spirit. From the vegetable kingdom: The tree, with its trunk, branches, leaves, and fruit, stands upon its root, and by means of its root it extracts and calls forth from the ground a grosser sap for the trunk, branches, and leaves, a purer for the pulp of the fruit, and the purest for the seeds within the fruit. From the mineral kingdom: In some places in the bowels of the earth there are minerals impregnated with gold, silver, and iron, and each of these metals draws its own element from the exhalations stored up in the earth.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra 66 (original Latin 1763)

66. Sed hoc primum illustretur per comparationes ex tribus regnis naturae, quae vocantur animale, vegetabile et minerale. Ex regno animali: Ex cibo, cum factus est chylus, hauriunt et evocant vasa suum sanguinem; fibrae nerveae suum succum; et substantiae quae sunt origines fibrarum, suum spiritum animalem, Ex regno vegetabili: Arbor cum trunco, ramis, foliis, et fructibus, stat super radice sua; et ex humo per radicem extrahit et evocat succum crassiorem pro trunco, ramis et foliis, puriorem pro carne fructuum, et purissimum pro seminibus intra fructus. Ex regno minerali: In gremio terrae in quibusdam locis sunt minerae impregnatae auro, argento et ferro; ex halitibus in terra reconditis trahit aurum suum elementum, argentum suum, et ferrum suum.

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