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《新耶路撒冷教义之圣经篇》 第8节



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Sacred Scripture (Dole translation 2014) 8

8. Since the Word is inwardly spiritual and heavenly, it was composed using nothing but correspondences; and when something is written by means of nothing but correspondences, its outermost written sense takes on the kind of style we find in the prophets and in the Gospels, a style that has divine wisdom and everything angelic hidden within it even though it seems to be commonplace.

Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture (Rogers translation 2014) 8

8. Since the Word is inwardly spiritual and celestial, it has therefore been written solely in terms of correspondences, and something written solely in terms of correspondences is written in its outmost sense in the kind of style found in the Prophets and Gospel writers. Even though this style seems to be an ordinary one, still it conceals in it Divine wisdom and all the wisdom of angels.

Doctrine of Sacred Scripture (Dick translation) 8

8. Since the Word interiorly is spiritual and celestial, it is therefore written by means of pure correspondences; and what is thus written is in its ultimate sense written in such a style as is seen in the Prophets and Evangelists which, although it appears ordinary, yet has stored up within it Divine Wisdom and all angelic wisdom.

Doctrine of the Holy Scripture (Potts translation 1904) 8

8. As therefore the Word interiorly is spiritual and celestial, it is written exclusively by correspondences. And what is thus written is in its ultimate sense written in a style such as is that of the Prophets and Evangelists, which, although it may appear common, yet conceals within it Divine and all angelic wisdom.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra 8 (original Latin 1763)

8. Quoniam Verbum interius est spirituale et caeleste, ideo per meras correspondentias conscriptum est; et quod scriptum est per meras correspondentias, hoc in sensu ultimo scriptum est tali stilo, quali apud Prophetas et apud Evangelistas; qui tametsi apparet vulgaris, usque ille sapientiam Divinam et omnem angelicam in se recondit.

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