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《真实的基督教》 第130节



真实的基督教 #130 (火能翻译,2015)

130. 先知代表當時教會對聖言的教導,以及照此教導而生活的狀態, 從下列來自聖言的故事可清楚得知。

先知以賽亞被命令解掉腰間的麻衣, 脫掉腳上的鞋, 露身赤腳行走三年, 以作為一個預兆和奇跡(以賽亞書20:2-3)。

先知以西結被命令用以下方式代表當時教會的狀態:像背井離鄉一般帶著行李, 在以色列人面前去另一處; 他白天當他們的面出去, 晚上在他們前面挖通牆, 從洞裡出去; 還要蒙住臉看不見地, 用來作以色列人家的預兆, 他還說:"我作你們的預兆, 我怎樣行, 你們所遭遇的也必怎樣"(以西結書12:3-7, 11)。

先知何西阿被命令去娶妓女為妻, 來代表當時教會的狀況。他照做了, 那女人還為他生了三個兒子, 其中一個名為"耶斯列", 第二個名為"無憐憫"(羅路哈瑪), 第三個為"非我民"(羅阿米)。他又被命令去愛一個別人所愛的淫婦, 他買了她(何西阿書1:2-9; 3:2-3)。

還有一個先知被命令用頭巾蒙眼, 讓自己被打傷, 以此來代表教會的狀態(列王記上20:35, 38)。

為了代表教會的狀態, 先知以西結被命令去拿一塊磚, 在上面畫一座耶路撒冷城; 擺在面前, 圍困這城, 造台築壘, 安營攻打; 又拿鐵篩放在城和自己之間; 並向左側臥, 然後向右側臥。然後, 還取小麥,大麥,豆子,紅豆,小米,粗麥用人糞為自己做餅, 他懇求不要這樣, 於是他被允許用牛糞取代。

是這樣對他說的:向左側臥, 將以色列家的罪孽放在上面; 按你向那邊側臥的天數, 你必擔當他們的罪孽。因為我將他們作孽的年數當做天數給你, 就是三百九十天, 作為你擔當以色列家所做的罪孽。當滿了這日期, 你還要向右側臥, 以擔當猶大家所做的罪孽(以西結書4:1-15)。

[2]先知以西結以這些行為來背負以色列家和猶大家所行的罪孽; 但他並未除去或贖回這些罪孽, 他只是代表它們並使他們顯露。以下是同一章所說的, 可明顯看出:

"像這樣, "耶和華說:"以色列子民將吃這不潔淨的餅。我必在耶路撒冷折斷他們的杖, 就斷絕他們的糧, 使他們缺糧斷水, 彼此而驚慌, 因自己的罪孽消滅。"

主以下所說的, 同樣表達這層意思:"祂擔當我們的憂患, 背負我們的痛苦。耶和華使我們眾人的罪孽都歸在祂身上。祂稱許多人為義, 要擔當他們的罪孽(以賽亞書53:4, 6, 11)。這整整一章都是論到主的受難。

[3]主受難的細節清楚地顯明, 祂作為先知代表了當時猶太人教會對待聖言的狀態。例如, 猶大對祂的背叛, 祭司長和長老們逮捕祂並定祂的罪; 祂被打; 祂的頭被藤條抽打; 將荊棘編做的冠冕戴在祂頭上; 瓜分祂的衣裳, 拈鬮分祂的裡衣; 祂被釘; 拿醋給祂喝; 脅旁被刺; 被葬和三天后復活。

猶大對祂的背叛表示擁有聖言的猶太民族對祂的背叛, 因為猶大代表那個民族。逮捕祂並定祂的罪的祭司長和長老們表示那整個教會。他們用拳頭三番五次打祂, 向祂臉上吐口水, 用鞭子抽祂, 用藤條打祂的頭, 表示他們對聖言的真理做了同樣的事情。荊棘編做的冠冕表示他們已歪曲和玷污了這些真理。分祂的衣裳, 拈鬮分祂的裡衣表示他們已將聖言之真理四分五裂, 但不能分裂裡衣所代表的聖言屬靈意義。釘十字架表示他們摧毀和玷污了全部聖言。他們給醋祂喝表示他們只提供歪曲的真理, 這就是為何祂沒有喝的原因。刺祂的脅旁表示聖言中所有真理和所有良善都全然湮滅。祂的埋葬表示拋棄了從祂母親而來的殘留之物。祂第三天復活表示祂的榮耀, 或者祂的人與父的神性的聯合。

從以上內容, 可清楚看出, "擔當罪孽"並非是拿走它們, 而是代表聖言真理被褻瀆。

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True Christianity #130 (Rose, 2010)

130. The prophets represented their church's condition relative to its teachings from the Word and its life according to them, as the following stories from the Word make clear:

Isaiah the prophet was commanded to take the sackcloth off below his waist and the sandals off his feet and go naked and barefoot for three years as a sign and a wonder (Isaiah 20:2-3).

Ezekiel the prophet was commanded to represent the state of the church by making travel bags, moving to another place before the eyes of the children of Israel, taking out his bags from time to time, going out in the evening through a hole in the wall, and covering his face so he could not see the ground. In this way he would be a wonder to the house of Israel. He was told to say, "Behold, I am your wonder. As I have done, so it will be for you" (Ezekiel 12:3-7, 11).

Hosea the prophet was commanded to represent the church's condition by marrying a promiscuous partner, which he did. She bore him three sons, one of whom he called Jezreel, the second No Mercy, and the third Not My People. At another point he was commanded to go love a woman who already had a lover and who was committing adultery, and buy her for himself (Hosea 1:2-9; 3:1-2).

One prophet was commanded to put ashes over his eyes and let himself be beaten and whipped (1 Kings 20:35, 38).

Ezekiel the prophet was commanded to represent the condition of the church by taking a brick and sculpting Jerusalem on it, laying siege to it, building a rampart and a mound against it, putting an iron frying pan between himself and the "city," and sleeping on his left side and then on his right side. He also had to take wheat, barley, lentils, millet, and spelt and make bread out of them. He also had to make a cake of barley with human excrement; but because he begged not to have to do that, he was allowed to make it with cow dung instead. He was told,

Lie on your left side and put the injustice done by the house of Israel on it. For the number of days during which you sleep on that side you will carry their injustice. For I will give you the years of their injustice according to the number of days, 390 days for you to carry the injustice done by the house of Israel. But when you have finished them, you will lie again on your right side to carry the injustice done by the house of Judah. (Ezekiel 4:1-15)

[2] By these actions the prophet Ezekiel carried the injustices done by the house of Israel and the house of Judah; but he did not take away those injustices or atone for them, he only represented them and made them visible. This is clear from the following verses in the same chapter:

"Like this," says Jehovah, "will the children of Israel eat their unclean bread. Behold I am breaking the staff of bread so that they lack bread and water. A man and his brother will become desolate and will waste away because of their injustice. " (Ezekiel 4:13, 16-17)

The same thing is meant by the statement about the Lord that says, "He bore our diseases, he carried our pains. Jehovah put on him the injustices committed by us all. Through his knowledge he justified many as he himself carried their injustices" (Isaiah 53:4, 6, 11). This whole chapter in Isaiah is about the Lord's suffering.

[3] The following details of the Lord's suffering make it clear that he was the ultimate prophet, embodying the Jewish church's treatment of the Word: He was betrayed by Judas. The chief priests and the elders arrested him and condemned him. They hit him repeatedly. They beat his head with a cane. They put a crown of thorns on him. They tore up his clothes and cast lots for his undergarment. They crucified him. They gave him vinegar to drink. They pierced his side. He was buried, and on the third day he rose.

His betrayal by Judas meant his betrayal by the Jewish nation, among whom the Word existed at that time. Judas represented that nation. The chief priests and the elders who arrested and condemned him meant that whole church. Their punching him repeatedly, spitting in his face, whipping him, and beating his head with a cane meant that they had done the same to the divine truths in the Word. Their putting a crown of thorns on him meant that they had falsified and contaminated those divine truths. Their tearing up his clothes and casting lots for his undergarment meant that they had split apart all the truths of the Word but they had not split apart its spiritual meaning, which was symbolized by the Lord's undergarment. Their crucifying him meant that they had desecrated and destroyed the entire Word. Their offering him vinegar to drink meant that everything they offered him had been completely falsified; therefore he did not drink it. Their piercing his side meant that they had completely annihilated everything true and everything good in the Word. His being buried meant his casting off what was left from his mother. His rising on the third day meant the glorification, the union of his human nature with the divine nature of the Father.

From all this it is clear that "carrying injustices" does not mean taking them away; it means representing the desecration of the Word's truth.

True Christian Religion #130 (Chadwick, 1988)

130. The following passages establish that prophets represented the state of their church as regards doctrine from the Word, and living in accordance with that doctrine. The prophet Isaiah was commanded to strip the sackcloth from his loins and his shoe from his foot, and to go naked and barefoot for three years as a sign and a token (Isaiah 20:2-3). The prophet Ezekiel was commanded to represent the state of the church by packing his bags for an exile, and to move to another place in the sight of the Children of Israel; he was to bring out his baggage during the day, and go out in the evening through a hole in the house-wall; he was to cover his face so as not to see the ground, and thus he would be a token for the house of Israel, and he was to say, 'Behold, I am your token; as I have done, so shall it be with you' (Ezekiel 12:3-7, 11). The prophet Hosea was commanded to represent the state of the church by taking a prostitute as a wife; he did so, and she bore him three children, one of whom he called Jezreel, the second No-pity, and the third Not-my-people. Again he was commanded to go and love a woman who was loved by another man, an adulteress; and he bought her (Hosea 1:2-9; 3:2-3). Another prophet was commanded to put ashes on his eyes, and to allow himself to be struck and beaten (1 Kings 20:35, 38).

The prophet Ezekiel was commanded, in order to represent the state of the church, to take a brick and to draw a picture of Jerusalem on it; to lay siege to it, and make a rampart and a mound to attack it; to place an iron griddle between himself and the city; and to lie on his left side and on his right side. Also to take wheat, barley, lentils, millet and spelt, and to make bread from them; also to make a cake of barley mixed with human dung; and because he begged off this, he was allowed to make it with cow-dung. It was said to him:

Lie on your left side, and put the iniquity of the house of Israel upon it; for the number of days that you lie on that side, you shall carry their iniquity. For I will make you carry the iniquity of the house of Israel for a number of days equal to the years of their iniquity, namely, three hundred and ninety days. When you have completed this period, you are to lie a second time on your right side, to carry the iniquity of the house of Judah, Ezekiel 4:1-15.

[2] It is clear from what follows this passage that the prophet by these actions carried the iniquities of the house of Israel and the house of Judah, and did not remove and so expiate them, but merely represented and demonstrated them:

Thus said Jehovah, the Children of Israel shall eat their bread unclean. Behold, I break the staff of bread, so that they may lack bread and water, and they shall be desolate, a man and his brother, and they shall waste away because of their iniquity, Ezekiel 4:13, 16-17.

The meaning is similar where it is said of the Lord:

He bore our sicknesses, He carried our pains. Jehovah made the iniquities of us all to fall upon Him. By His knowledge He made many righteous, in that He carried their iniquities Isaiah 53:4, 6, 11.

The whole of this chapter deals with the Lord's passion.

[3] The details of the Lord's passion show clearly that as the Prophet He represented the state of the Jewish church with regard to the Word. For example, His betrayal by Judas; His arrest and conviction by the chief priests and the elders; His being beaten; His head being struck with a reed; His crowning with a crown of thorns; the dividing of His garments, and the casting of lots for His tunic; His crucifixion; His being given vinegar to drink; His side being pierced; His burial and resurrection on the third day.

His betrayal by Judas meant that He was betrayed by the Jewish nation, which possessed the Word, since Judas represented that nation. His arrest and conviction by the chief priests and elders meant that the whole of that church so behaved. His being beaten, being spat upon in the face, being flogged and having His head struck with a reed meant their similar treatment of the Word as regards the Divine truths it contains. The crowning with thorn meant that they falsified and adulterated these truths. The dividing of His garments and throwing lots for His tunic meant that they threw to the winds all the truths of the Word, but not its spiritual sense, which is what the tunic meant. The crucifixion meant that they destroyed and profaned the whole Word. Their giving Him vinegar to drink meant that they offered only falsified truths, which is why He did not drink it. The piercing of His side meant that they utterly extinguished all the truth and all the good of the Word. His burial meant the rejection of all He had left from His mother. His resurrection on the third day meant His glorification, or the union of His Human with the Father's Divine. From this it is now plain that 'carrying iniquities' does not mean removing them, but representing the profaning of truths in the Word.

True Christian Religion #130 (Ager, 1970)

130. That the prophets represented the state of their church respect to doctrine from the Word and life according to it, is evident from the following passages. The prophet Isaiah was commanded,

To loose the sackcloth from off his loins, and to put off the shoe from his foot, and to go naked and barefoot three years, for a sign and a wonder (Isaiah 20:2-3).

The prophet Ezekiel was commanded to represent the state of the church,

By preparing stuff for a journey, and by removing to another place in the sight of the children of Israel; and by bringing forth the stuff by day, and going forth at even through a hole in the wall; and by covering his face that he might not see the ground; that he might be for a sign unto the house of Israel, and say, Behold, I am your sign; like as I have done so shall it be done unto you (Ezekiel 12:3-7, 11).

The prophet Hosea was commanded to represent the state of the church,

By taking to himself a harlot for a wife, and he did so, and she bore to him three children, one of whom was called Jezreel, another, Loruhamah (not to be pitied), and the third Lo-ammi (not my people). And again he was commanded to go and love a woman beloved of a friend, and an adulteress, whom he also took to himself (Hosea 1:2-9; 3:2-3).

One prophet was even commanded,

To put ashes upon his eyes, and to permit himself to be struck and wounded (1 Kings 20:35, 38).

The prophet Ezekiel was commanded to represent the state of the church,

By taking a tile and portraying upon it Jerusalem by laying siege and casting a rampart and mound against it; by setting an iron pan between him and the city by lying upon his left side, and upon his right side. Also by taking wheat, barley, beans, millet, and fitches, and making bread of them; also by making barley cakes to be baked with human excrement (but because he prayed that this might not be he was permitted to use cow's dung instead). It was said to him, Lie thou also upon thy left side, and lay the iniquity of the house of Israel upon it according to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon it thou shalt bear their iniquity. For I will give thee the years of their iniquity according to the number of their days, three hundred and ninety days so shalt thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel. And when thou hast accomplished them thou shalt lie again on thy right side, that thou mayest bear the iniquity of the house of Judah (Ezekiel 4:1-15).

[2] That the prophet by these means bore the iniquities of the house of Israel and the house of Judah, but did not take them away and thus expiate them, but only represented and pointed them out, is evident from the following:

Thus saith Jehovah, The sons of Israel shall eat their bread unclean behold, I will break the staff of bread, that they may want bread and water and be made desolate, a man with his brother, and pine away for their iniquity (Ezekiel 4:13, 16, 17).

The same is meant in respect to the Lord where it is said:

Surely He hath born our griefs and carried our sorrows Jehovah hath laid on Him the iniquities of us all by His knowledge He hath justified many, in that He hath borne their iniquities (Isaiah 53:4, 6,(Isaiah 53:6, 11).

This whole chapter treats of the Lord's passion.

[3] That the Lord as the essential Prophet represented the state of the Jewish church with regard to the Word is evident from the particulars of His passion; as that He was betrayed by Judas: was seized and condemned by the chief priests and elders; that they buffeted Him; smote Him on the head with a reed; put a crown of thorns on His head, divided His garments, and cast lots for His vesture; crucified Him; gave Him vinegar to drink and pierced His side; that He was buried; and that He rose again the third day. His betrayal by Judas signified that He was betrayed by the Jewish nation, which then possessed the Word (for Judas represented that nation); His seizure and condemnation by the chief priests and elders signified that this was done by the whole Jewish church; their buffeting Him, spitting in His face, scourging Him, and smiting Him on the head with a reed, signified that they did like things to the Word in respect to its Divine truths; their putting a crown of thorns upon His head signified that they falsified and adulterated those truths; their dividing His garments and casting lots upon His vesture signified that they dispersed all the truths of the Word, but not its spiritual sense, the Lord's vesture signifying that sense; their crucifying Him signified that they destroyed and profaned the whole Word; their offering Him vinegar to drink signified that the truths they had were wholly falsified, and therefore He did not drink the vinegar; their piercing His side signified that they wholly extinguished everything true and good in the Word; His burial signified the rejection of everything that was left in Him from the mother; His resurrection on the third day signified His glorification, or the union of His Human with the Divine of the Father. Evidently, then, "bearing iniquities" does not mean taking them away, but it means representing the profanation of the truths of the Word.

True Christian Religion #130 (Dick, 1950)

130. The prophets represented the state of their Church with respect to doctrine derived from the Word, and with respect to life according to such doctrine, as is evident from the following passages. Isaiah the prophet was commanded to loose the sackcloth from off his loins, and to put off the shoe from his foot, and to go naked and barefoot for three years, for a sign and a wonder. Isaiah 20:2-3.

The prophet Ezekiel was commanded, for the purpose of representing the state of the Church,

to prepare stuff for removing, and to remove to another place in the eyes of the Children of Israel, and to bring forth the stuff by day, and to go forth at even, through a hole dug in the wall, and to cover his face, so that he should not see the ground; and that thus he should be a sign to the house of Israel, and should say: "I am your sign: like as I have done, so shall it be done unto you" Ezekiel 12:3-7, 11.

The prophet Hosea was commanded, for the purpose of representing the state of the Church,

to take to himself a harlot to be his wife. So he took her, and she bore him three children, one of whom he called Jezreel, and another Not-to-be-pitied, and the third Not-a-people. Hosea 1:2-9. And again he was commanded to go and love a woman beloved of her friend, yet an adulteress, whom he also bought for himself Hosea 3:1-2.

A certain prophet was also commanded to put ashes on his eyes, and suffer himself to be smitten and beaten. 1 Kings 20:35, 37.

For the purpose of representing the state of the Church the prophet Ezekiel was commanded to take a tile, and portray upon it Jerusalem, to lay siege to it, to cast a trench and mound against it, to put an iron baking-pan between him and the city, and to lie upon his left side and upon his right side. Then he was commanded to take wheat, barley, lentils, millet and fitches, and to make bread of them; and also to make a cake of barley, baked with human excrement; and because he prayed that it might not be so, he was permitted to make it with cow's dung. He was commanded: "Lie thou also upon thy left side, and lay the iniquity of the house of Israel upon it: according to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon it thou shalt bear their iniquity. For I have laid upon thee the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, three hundred and ninety days: so shalt thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel. And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah" Ezekiel 4:1-15.

[2] The prophet by these signs bore the iniquities of the house of Israel and of the house of Judah, but he did not take them away and so expiate them; he only represented them and pointed them out, as is plain from what follows in the same chapter:

And JEHOVAH said, Even thus shall the Children of Israel eat their defiled bread... Behold, I will break the staff of bread... That they may want bread and water, and be left alone, a man and his brother (A.V. astonied one with another), and consume away for their iniquity. Ezekiel 4:13, 16-17.

The same therefore is understood concerning the Lord, where it is said:

Surely He hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows... JEHOVAH hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all;... that by His knowledge He justified many, and Himself bore their iniquities. Isaiah 53:4, 6, 11;

and throughout the whole of this chapter, which treats of the passion of the Lord.

[3] The Lord as The Prophet represented the state of the Jewish Church with respect to the Word, as is evident from the particulars of His passion: as that He was betrayed by Judas, and was taken and condemned by the chief priests and elders; that they buffeted Him, smote His head with a reed, and put on Him a crown of thorns; that they divided His garments and cast lots upon His vesture; that they crucified Him, gave Him vinegar to drink, and pierced His side; that He was buried, and on the third day rose again. His betrayal by Judas signified that He was betrayed by the Jewish nation, which at that time possessed the Word and which was represented by Judas. His being taken and condemned by the chief priests and elders signified that it was done by the whole of that Church. Their buffeting Him, spitting upon His face, scourging Him, and smiting His head with a reed, signified that they acted in like manner toward the Word, with respect to its Divine truths; and their putting a crown of thorns upon Him signified that they had falsified and adulterated those truths. Their dividing His garments and casting lots upon His vesture signified that they had dissipated all the truths of the Word, but had not injured its spiritual sense, which the Lord's vesture represented. His crucifixion signified that they had destroyed and profaned the whole Word. Their offering Him vinegar to drink signified that the truths of the Word were altogether falsified, and therefore He did not drink it. Their piercing His side signified that they had totally extinguished all the truth and all the good of the Word. His burial signified the removal of what yet remained from the mother, and His rising again the third day signified the glorification, or union of His Human with the Divine of the Father. Hence it is manifest that to bear iniquities does not mean to take them away: it represents the profanation of the truths of the Word.

Vera Christiana Religio #130 (original Latin,1770)

130. Quod Prophetae repraesentaverint statum Ecclesiae suae quoad doctrinam e Verbo, et quoad vitam secundum illam, constat ex his locis; mandatum est Esajae Prophetae, ut dissolveret saccum desuper lumbis suis, et calceum desuper pede suo, ac iret nudus et discalceatus tres annos, in signum et prodigium, Esaias 20:2-3. Mandatum est Ezechieli Prophetae, ut repraesentaret statum Ecclesiae, per quod faceret vasa migrationis, et migraret in locum alium in oculis filiorum Israelis, et educeret vasa interdiu, et exiret in vespera per effossum parietem, et obtegeret facies ut non videret terram, et quod sic prodigium esset domui Israelis, et diceret, ecce ego prodigium vestrum, quemadmodum feci, sic fiet vobis, Ezechiel 12:3-7, 11. Mandatum est Hoscheae prophetae, ut repraesentaret statum Ecclesiae, per quod acciperet sibi Meretricem in uxorem; et quoque accepit, et illa peperit ei tres filios, quorum unum vocavit Jisreel, alterum non Miserandum, et tertium non Populum. Ac iterum ei mandatum est, ut abiret et amaret Mulierem amatam socio, et adulteram, quam etiam sibi comparavit, Hoschea 1:2-9, 1 et 3:1-2. 2 Prophetae cuidam etiam mandatum, ut cinerem super oculos mitteret, et pateretur se percuti et verberari, 3 1 Regnum 20:35, 37-38. 4 Mandatum est Ezechieli Prophetae, ut repraesentaret statum Ecclesiae, per quod sumeret laterem, et sculperet super eo Hierosolymam, poneret obsidionem, et daret vallum et aggerem contra illam, poneret sartaginem ferri inter se et urbem, et cubaret super latere sinistro, et super latere dextro. Tum quod sumeret tritica, 5 hordea, lentes, milium et zeas, et ex illis faceret panem; et quoque placentam hordeorum cum stercore fimi hominis; et quia hoc deprecatus est, permissum est, ut faceret illam cum excrementis bovis. Dictum est illi, Tu cuba super latere sinistro, et pone INIQUITATEM DOMUS ISRAELIS super illud; numerum dierum, quibus cubabis super illo, PORTABIS INIQUITATEM EORUM; Ego enim dabo tibi annos iniquitatis eorum juxta numerum dierum 390 dies, UT PORTES INIQUITATEM DOMUS ISRAELIS: quum vero absolveris hos, jacebis super latere 6 tuo dextro secundum, ut PORTES INIQUITATEM DOMUS JEHUDAE, Ezechiel 4:1-15.

[2] Quod Propheta per haec portaverit iniquitates Domus Israelis et Domus Jehudae, et non abstulerit illas, 7 et sic expiaverit, sed modo repraesentaverit et monstraverit, patet a sequentibus ibi; Sic inquit Jehovah, comedent filii Israelis panem suum immundum: ecce Ego frangens baculum panis, ut careant pane et aqua, et desolentur vir et frater ejus, et contabescant propter iniquitatem 8 eorum, Vers. 13, 16-17, in eodem Capite. Simile itaque intelligitur de Domino, ubi dicitur, Morbos nostros Ille tulit, dolores nostros PORTAVIT; Jehovah incurrere fecit 9 in Illum iniquitates omnium nostrum; per scientiam suam justificavit multos, eo quod INIQUITATES EORUM IPSE PORTAVERIT, Esaias 53:4, 6, 11, 10 ubi in toto Capite agitur de Passione Domini.

[3] Quod Dominus ut ipse Propheta repraesentaverit statum Ecclesiae Judaicae quoad Verbum, patet ex singulis passionis Ipsius, "Ut quod a Juda proditus fuerit: quod a Principibus sacerdotum et a Senioribus comprehensus et condemnatus sit: quod colaphos impegerint: quod caput calamo percusserint; quod imposuerint coronam ex spinis: quod vestimenta Ipsius diviserint, et super tunicam jecerint sortem: quod crucifixerint: quod dederint Ipsi acetum ad bibendum: quod transfoderint latus: quod sepultus, et quod tertio die resurrexerit." Quod a Juda proditus fuerit, significabat, quod a gente Judaica, apud quam tunc erat Verbum, nam Judas illam repraesentabat: quod a Principibus sacerdotum et Senioribus comprehensus 11 et condemnatus sit, significabat quod ab omni illa Ecclesia: quod colaphos impegerint, spuerint in faciem, 12 flagellaverint, 13 et caput calamo percusserint, significabant quod similiter fecerint cum Verbo, quoad Divina vera ejus: quod imposuerint coronam ex spinis, significabat quod illa falsificaverint 14 et adulteraverint: quod vestimenta diviserint, et super tunicam jecerint sortem, significabat quod omnia vera Verbi disperserint, sed non sensum ejus spiritualem; hunc tunica Domini significabat: quod crucifixerint, significabat quod totum Verbum destruxerint et prophanaverint: quod praebuerint Ipsi acetum ad bibendum, significabat quod mere falsificata, quare illud 15 non bibit: quod transfoderint latus, significabat quod plene exstinxerint omne verum Verbi et omne bonum ejus: quod sepultus, significabat rejectionem residui a matre: quod tertio die resurrexerit, significabat Glorificationem seu Unionem Humani Ipsius cum Divino Patris. Ex his nunc patet, quod Portare iniquitates, non intelligatur auferre illas, sed repraesentare prophanationem veritatum Verbi.


1. Prima editio: Hoseh.
2. Prima editio: Cap: 3:2-3.
3. Prima editio: verberari.
4. Prima editio: I Reg. 20:35, 37.
5. Prima editio: trit ca.
6. Prima editio: latcre.
7. Prima editio: abstulerit, illas.
8. Prima editio: inquitatem.
9. Prima editio: secit.
10. Prima editio: Esaias 53:1.
11. Prima editio: conprehensus.
12. Prima editio: saciem.
13. Prima editio: flugellaverint.
14. Prima editio: fallificaverint.
15. Prima editio: illad.

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