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《真实的基督教》 第131节



真实的基督教 #131 (火能翻译,2015)

131. 這一點也可用一些比喻來說明。(我用這些作比方, 是為了方便一般人進一步理解。)

任何公民或國民若執行王的命令和教導, 因此他們忠誠于王。如果為了王而受苦, 就更為忠誠。若是為了王而獻出生命(在戰爭中), 那關係就更進一層了。

同樣, 朋友間關係, 或兒子與他的父親, 又或僕人和他的主人, 也是藉著完成他的願望而使雙方關係更近。如果為他們抵禦外敵來保護他們, 就更近一點。若是為保衛他們的聲譽而戰, 就更進一層。

再舉個例子, 一個青年男子與一個年輕女子盼望結為夫妻, 當他與損毀她聲譽之人而決鬥, 自然他與她的關係就會更緊密一些, 特別是與對手決鬥而導致受傷時。這是一個自然法則, 這樣的事件會將他們緊密相連。

主說:"我是好牧人; 好牧人為羊捨命; 為此, 父愛我。"(約翰福音10:11, 17)

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True Christianity #131 (Rose, 2010)

131. This point can also be illustrated by comparisons. (I make comparisons for the sake of ordinary people, who see more in a comparison than they do in a deductive analysis based on the Word and on reason.)

When any citizens or subjects obey the commands and orders of their king, they are united to him. If they endure oppressive circumstances for him, they are more deeply united to him. If they suffer death for him, as happens in battles and wars, they are still more deeply united to him.

In the same way, doing the other person's will is how a friend is united to a friend, a child to a parent, or a servant to the head of the household. If the friend, child, and servant defend their superiors against enemies they are more deeply united to them. If they fight for their superiors honor they are even more deeply united to them.

Take for example a young man and the young woman he hopes to marry. When he confronts people who are destroying her reputation, surely he becomes more united to her. What about when he is injured fighting a rival? It is a law inscribed on nature that under these circumstances the couple will become more deeply united.

The Lord says, "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. For this reason the Father loves me" (John 10:11, 17).

True Christian Religion #131 (Chadwick, 1988)

131. These matters too may be illustrated by comparisons for the benefit of the simple, who see better from comparisons than from analysis and deductions drawn from the Word, or on the basis of reason. Every citizen or subject becomes devoted to his king by carrying out his orders and instructions, and the more so if he suffers hardship on his behalf, more still, if he gives his life for him, as happens in war and battles. Likewise friends are drawn closer together, or a son to his father, or a servant to his master, by carrying out his wishes; and the more so, if they defend them against their enemies, more still, if they fight to defend their honour. Everyone becomes attached to the girl he seeks as a bride, if he fights a duel with those who speak ill of her, and especially if the duel with his rival reaches the point of inflicting wounds. It is a law of nature that such events bring people together. The Lord says:

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep, for which reason the Father loves me, John 10:11, 17.

True Christian Religion #131 (Ager, 1970)

131. This, too, may be illustrated by comparisons; and this shall be done for the sake of the simple-minded, who see better by comparisons than by analytically formed deductions from the Word and from reason. Every citizen or subject is united to his king by obeying his commands and precepts; and more so if he endures hardships for him; and still more if he suffers death for him, as men do in war. In the same way friend is united to friend, son to father, and servant to master, by acting according to their wishes; still more by defending them against enemies; and more yet by fighting for their honor. Is not one united to the maiden whom he is wooing when he fights with those who defame her, and contends even to wounds with his rival? It is according to an inherent law of nature that they are united by such means. The Lord says:

I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd layeth down his life for the sheep. Therefore doth My Father love Me (John 10:11-17

True Christian Religion #131 (Dick, 1950)

131. These things also may be illustrated by comparisons. This is done for the sake of the simple and unlearned, for they see better in this way than by analytical and reasoned deductions drawn from the Word. Every citizen or subject is united to his king by obedience to his commands and injunctions, particularly if he undergoes hardships for his sovereign; and still more if he suffers death for him, as happens in conflicts in time of war. In like manner a friend is united to a friend, a son to a father, and a servant to a master by acting according to their wishes, and more by defending them against their enemies, and still more by fighting for their honor. He who woos a maiden will surely be united to her if he fights those who traduce her, and if he contends, even to wounds, with a rival. That they should be united by such actions is according to the law inscribed upon their nature. And the Lord says:

"I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep... Therefore doth my Father love me" John 10:11, 17.

Vera Christiana Religio #131 (original Latin,1770)

131. Haec quoque illustrari possunt per comparationes, quod fit propter simplices, qui ex comparationibus melius vident, quam ex deductionibus analytice ex Verbo et simul ratione formatis: Omnis civis aut subditus unitur Regi, per quod mandata ejus et praecepta faciat, et plus si pro illo sustinet gravia, et adhuc plus si mortem pro illo subit, quod fit in pugnis et praeliis: pariter amicus unitur amico, filius patri, et famulus hero, per quod illa, quae voluntatis eorum sunt, faciant, et plus si contra inimicos illos defendunt, et adhuc plus si 1 pro illorum honore dimicant. Quis non unitur virgini, quam in sponsam ambit, qui pugnat cum illis qui diffamant illam, et qui ad vulnera cum rivali: quod per talia uniantur, est secundum legem naturae inscriptam. Dominus dicit, Ego sum Pastor bonus, Pastor bonus animam ponit pro ovibus, propter quod Pater me amat, Johannes 10:11, 17.


1. adhuc plus si ubi in prima editione adhuc si plus.

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